Artwork by Sondra Seeger (Seeger's Art & Old West Graphics)

The Following is a Lecture given by "Sir Laurence Gardner" in 1998.

Laurence Gardner, Prior of the Celtic Church's Sacred Kindred of St Columba, is an internationally known sovereign and chivalric genealogist. Distinguished as the Chevalier Labhran de Saint Germain, he is Presidential Attache to the European Council of Princes - a constitutional advisory body established in 1946. He is formally attached to the Noble Household Guard of the Royal House of Stewart, founded at St German-enLaye in 1692, and is the Jacobite Historiographer Royal.

Transcribed & Edited by Karen Lyster & John V. Panella

J Z Knight


When I was a little child; thirteen years old, I had this tremendous passion for God and for Jesus and my mother and my stepfather. Chiefly my mother, because she’s the one that cared the most! My mother really tried to stop me from going to the Assembly of God Church. And I had my little Bible that I had slept with every night in my room, and it was a white zip up Bible. And I had learned in school that year how to make diagrams and I don’t know if modern education still teaches it, but you’d probably learn it on a computer. Back then we had to do it with diagrams and I had done some interesting things, I had starting reading the Bible and had read it completely through when I was thirteen years old. And I had a lot of questions that I wanted to ask my Sunday school Teacher. (Laughing)

Well I made the diagrams of the genealogy of Jesus, Matthew, Luke, Mark and John. And they didn’t match, and so I had this composition of some questions that I wanted to ask Brother McLindon, that was our Preacher! I could only ask my Sunday school teacher. And the question was "who did Adam & Eve's children, Cain and Able Marry?" (Laughing). You know about marriage? They went to the church and they got married, but whom did they marry? That was not acceptable as a good question. (Laughing) Nevertheless, from a thirteen-year-old mind, I wanted to know if Adam and Eve were the first people that were ever created by God and the only two Children they had were only boys... (Laughing) Then who did they Marry? My Sunday school teacher got very uncomfortable in her hosiery (laughing), she couldn’t answer that.

My next question was; as I had this real grief about what that "scumbag" did, the part where Sodom and Gomorrah had been destroyed, you know? And the beloved Jehovah turned his wife into a vapor. They then had run off to this cave and he goes to bed with his daughters, so they can have children. And I thought, "Something does not smell right here at all?" And then there came Abraham, now these are the patriarchal of the Bible that are supposed to be the elect of God and I really thought Abraham was alright, until he brought his wife Sara into this Kingdom and this King was really, you know, kind of digging her chili. And so Abraham says, "Oh you can have her, she’s my sister." Well this was his wife, and I thought well there he’s gone and lied and given his wife up because he’s such a chicken liver, because he doesn’t want to fight this king. Well, at this point I’m getting very upset.

So needless to say my Sunday school teacher hadn’t read these things either, and she couldn’t answer any of my questions. And perhaps the thing that really ended it, was when I dragged out my little diagram of Jesus’ genealogy and I said we have a problem here, because none of these match. At which point she took them from me and then scolded me, and said, "mysterious are the ways of God and we, as sinners cannot question it." (Laughing) Well, I already had a beef, because they kicked my sister-in-law out of the church for wearing a tiny bit of lipstick. Makeup was forbidden, and she wore a tiny bit of lipstick to get my little brother to come to church. And they made a big spectacle out of it and of course my brother never came back. They then kicked my sister-in-law out of the Church.

And at thirteen years old, because of my passion, I couldn’t figure out how a god that had supported all these crooks in the Bible, (Laughing) you know, Jehovah, how he had often times slaughtered people of the lands in which, he was bringing those he supported into? I could not justify that with god's love that he could do all of those things and then banish my sister-in-law to hell forever for wearing lipstick. (Applause)

So I quit the church when I was thirteen years old and my greatest supporter was my mother. But needless to say I never stopped loving God and I had a guilt trip going on about Jesus, you know, "Jesus died for my sins..." However, as far as I knew I didn’t have any sins. So how could this person 2000 years ago die for me? And the other question was what about all the other people that lived before Jesus. What happens to them?

Well I had this passion all of my life! I was also a homely child. I was not the darling of my family, but I loved God and I set out on an adventure of the mind, wanting answers for all these questions. So when "Ramtha" appeared in my life, I was open-minded, and with the love that I had, there was plenty of room in my heart for a great and awesome teacher. This passion continued on until I came about a book called, "Holy Blood, Holy Grail." I must have purchased 200 of those books and pass them out to people that I didn't even know. I think there was only one person that I gave it to that had actually read the entire book. I had thought it was one of the greatest books I’d ever read! And then I came across another book entitled, "Bloodline of the Holy Grail," by Sir Laurence Gardner.

I didn’t know who Sir Laurence Gardner was, except when I opened this book, I read it in about four days, because it was addressing the mysteries in my life! It was addressing them historically, revealing all of the lies that I had been told along with the countless millions. I knew I had to meet this man, because this is the greatest book that I have ever read, and it began to explain all of the loose ends to Christianity. It also reveals answers to why there is still so much suffering that continues to confine the world today within all these embittered religious wars.

I was able to bring Sir Laurence Gardner here. And I just adored him! I adore him because he is open-minded! He is not guessing that this is the truth, he really has found it. He has historical information that was there hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. He has truly uncovered this information. He wrote this book not from guesswork, but from acquired knowledge. The reason I wanted him to come and to address us, is that I believe that except for the children, most people my age, as well as those in the audience suffer from some sort of inadequacy. One that pressures us to believe that a god lives inside of us, causing us to feel shameful that we are human beings, even though that's beyond our control.

This book also addresses the cover-up that had occurred along with the conspiracies, that would enslave us under Christianity. And not give us the freedom to access the Kingdom of Heaven. God forbid for them to ever go out side that little box of acceptability to ever search for the answers. I began to search for those answers, and today I want to introduce that favorite speaker of mine. The one that has brought us answers not based on guesswork or hypothesis, but that which is based on historical information. Laurence Gardner is as open as it gets. He had to have been to write a book about Jesus and is Brother James, bearing children, now that my friends would be considered open-mindedness. So it is with great pleasure that I introduce, Sir Laurence Gardner. And it is with great hope that you pay close attention to my new friend. (Applause)

Sir Laurence Gardner

SIR LAURENCE GARDNER (standing ovation)

Thank-you very much, thanks allot. Well good morning, I think this is the first time that I’ve spoken here with the sun up and I’m not sure how wise that is for a Vampire, (Laughing) but if I collapse into a heap of dust you’ll know it wasn’t a good move.

There are a lot of questions you know, that turn up from Bible Scripture. And J. Z. mentioned one just now about the Cain and Abel thing. We can go right back to the beginning of the Bible stories and as she correctly says, nobody really poses the questions, whom on earth did Cain and Able marry? It was said that Cain married, it gives a list of some of his children and also tells a story. Prior to this though we have this other strange story about how Cain slew Abel, killed him in a field, and left him in a pool of blood. Now these are the only people on earth at the time. (Laughing) And so what does Jehovah do according to the text? He gets a little bit bothered about this, and puts a "Mark" on Cain, in case all the other people might want to kill him. (Laughing) However, One needs to ask, "Who?" "What other people?" So the anomalies are there, and it’s those anomalies that really led to my second book in this particular series, which looks at the Old Testament in the same way that "Bloodline" looks at the New Testament.

The trick with writing something like this is, one has to get beyond the Scriptures itself. One has to get to the other books that were not included, those books that were not approved for the canon. And there are many of them that actually were not selected for the Old Testament, just as there are for the New Testament. What we have to realize is that the Old Testament was written to do a specific job. What surprised me in the course of this late investigation, was that this selection, the manipulations and the corruption's within the Old Testament, choosing of scripts and text was greater than it was with the New Testament. "More changes noted!"

Now I’m not going to talk about Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel and all of this early stuff tonight in particular, because I spoke at some length about it last time I was here. Some of you may have been at that lecture some of you were not. However there were various aspects in that lecture that I shall cover again. This time, I am going to come at it from a different angle. As far as the early stuff goes the building up of the "Human Race" as we know it today, there will be someone else that will come later today to cover that part of it. So there’s not much point in my covering that either.

Last October I spoke about a mysterious substance which the ancient people of Mesopotamia used to call, "Starfire." In fact following that, I’ve had quite a number of letters from people here, that heard it, that are asking some very good questions. So I will also cover that again a little bit. Yet again, I am going to come at that from a different angle, going backwards to it, rather than coming forwards to it. I’m going to sort of leap forward into the time period of Moses, and then go back into that part of history so we can see how things came together. Now to put things into perspective, just about everything that we now know today about life and times of these old BC years, we’ve actually learnt onwards from the late 1800’s- within the last 100-150 years or so. Prior to that, the Old Testament that we have, is one of the very few documents of record that gave us this story at all.

The Old Testament was never written to be history. The Old Testament was put together as a book of Scripture, it was designed to underpin a growing religious establishment in the BC years, ranging in the era of circa 500-600BC. So although it was telling stories about things that happened thousand's of years earlier, it was designed to do a job round about 500 years before the time of Jesus. It was the building up of the Jewish, Hebrew Religion. To a large extent these writings were based on mythology, they weren’t meant to be history. However for the longest time we’ve treated it as if it were history. One can’t blame our fore-bearers for doing this because there was nothing to compare. There were no other records available, just the Old Testament. So it became Fact! And it became Dogma! And it became an Absolute! And to challenge it was regarded as heretical.

So mythology became designated history. Our governing and educational establishments told us it was history. And our schools and churches have taught us that for the longest time, but now we’re better informed. During this century where tens of thousand's of old documents had been unearthed, which were on stone, clay, parchments and papers. We began to learn the whole story including that which we knew from the Bible, except these began to reveal things in a much different way. When these things were discovered and translated into English and other Western languages during the 1920’s - 1930’s, one would expect, as with scientific and medical discovery that everybody would be really excited about this. At last we’ve got some information! At last we’re going to learn the truth about some of these characters who, although enigmatic, have no real purpose in history apart from being wandering nomads of one sort of another. However that wasn’t the case! The enthusiasm wasn’t there at all!

The academic establishment felt threatened by it and it’s very easy to understand why. It was contradicting everything that they had written to prove that they were the experts. These writings within the last four-thousand years, are the first hand writings of Kings and Queens, Priests and Chancellors, State Officials, and Scribes, Historians, Military Commanders, Teachers, they’re all there. Even farm workers and mine workers wrote these documents, but these are people who only wrote about what they we’re told. It seems rather odd doesn’t it, that everybody alive in that particular period of time were writing fairy tales? (Laughing) And fabricated folklore! "Hey, I think that I will write up records of my mind working today, it will be mythology."

So that's what we’re led to believe, and it was never history at all. Two-thousand-years ago they dug up some huge bones in China, massive bones and they didn’t know what the hell they were. They figured they must be the bones of a dragon. It was said that in ancient historic times, the tail of a great dragon had carved the river channel through the earth, in China, enabling the river to flow out to the sea. Because of this they concluded that this was the Dragon that they thought they found the bones of. It wasn’t until the 1820’s, which was not that long ago, that very similar bones were found, and following these bones being found in various parts of the world, about 170 years ago, it was then that we had discovered dinosaurs. We named the dinosaurs, "terrible lizard." These were exact same bones that the Chinese had found 2000 years ago. Throughout the last two-thousand-years the Old Testament has actually been the equivalent of this Chinese Dragon. It had been the only record that we had, so we decided that it was fact. We had called it the Dragon we called it history.

Between the 1850’s and the 1930’s documents were unearthed in the Holy Land, in Syria, and Mesopotamia. And was intriguing about these documents was that they started to give us the names of the people that we know, Abraham, Terah, etc. These names actually cropped up on documents. And the first thing that we learned was that the Bible had actually been correct in certain areas. The characters were real and they actually had existed. What we learned also was that they were not just names of people, they were also the names of cities, states, great towns and realms that were governed by municipal governments historically.

So we had a situation that revealed that either these people gave their names to the cities or the cities got their names from their Governors. But clearly they were pretty important people. Yet these were not presented as important people they were actually, Nomads, wandering tribesman of some sort. So one by one these documents began to reveal a different story. I had tried not to divert too much into some of these fascinating realms just for the sake of it, but tried to narrow it down keeping the Old Testament in sight throughout.

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