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WBS Hungary-Prayer Requests
Dear visitor:
Please, feel free to ask the brethren to join you in prayer of thanksgivings to God; asking guidance or help from our Lord. Give a moment of your devotional time to the prayers below.
Prayer Requests:
(January 20, 2002) Ervin Nemeth
- Please pray for our efforts for the coming year. I plan to work harder for the Lord with WBS Hungary this year than ever before. See the latest newsletter.
- Give thanks for those who helped both WBS Hungary and our daughter through their generous gifts.
- Pray for new correspondence students.
(October 28, 2001)
- Yesterday we distribute several copies of a Children's Picture Bible provided by EEM. The first several copies went to the Special Education School in Mako where I've teaught English for three years. The director was especially happy to see the lovely book and assured me that they will be used in classroom setting. Please, remember those students who will use them. Give thanks for the resources provided by the brothers and sisters.
- Pray for my family. With the passing of my mother our life changed greatly.
(August 09, 2001) Mother passed away quietly in the hospital
- Thank you for your continuous prayers on behalf of my mother. She passed away today at the age of 74. We thank God that she suffered relatively less than usual with a kind of illness she had.
(August 01, 2001) Mom's final admission to hospital approaching...
- My mother will be taken to hospital next Monday. Her cancer is so bad now that we suppose that she will not be able to leave the hospital alive. She can hardly get to the bathroom on her own now, and it is a very difficult period of time for all of us. As she lives alone, you can imagine the conditions she's in. I try to be with her as much as I can, but there's no way to sleep there (no extra bed, etc.) Please, remeber her and all family members in your prayers.
Yours in Christ,
- Dear fellow praying saints,
Please pray for missionary committed students who attended URBANA
conference of IVCF. God bless you and yours. Robert W. Davie
rwd1110@earthlink.net(06-25-2001) New WBS student enrolled
- A new student asked the Hungarian WBS course today. It's a great news as in the past several years we have not received any such request - only request for English materials. Praise the Lord for the new student!
- We are in need of further Hungarian WBS materials as the last available copy was sent out to the new student. Up to my understanding nothing such was printed/reprinted recently.
(08-20-2000) Posted from the e-mail list of the Arnold Church of Christ concerning summer Bible studies in Hungary.
- Pray for the students that came to the summer schools and their continued interest.
- Pray for the churches in Hungary (Debrecen, Budapest, Miskolc, andSzolnok)
- Pray for the work in Nyíregyháza.
- Pray for Anessa Westbrook who is pregnant with her second baby and is having some problems, she is one of the missionaries in Szolnok.
Jeff McGlawn
4032 Debrecen
Cívis u. 4. III/30.
Phone: 011-36-52-442-748
E-mail: mcglawnj@matavnet.hu
Internet: http://web.matavnet.hu/mcglawnj
(03-21-2000) Ervin Nemeth
- Today our first baby, Kira Gabriella Nemeth was born. Please give thanks to the Lord that she has been born safely and in perfect health despite of all hardship we experienced earlier. (Clicking on the link you can see some pictures of her.)
(09-15-1999) Silbano Garcia II.
- We are currently in need of boys and girls clothing from baby to late teens.
- Please continue praying for our work in Crystal City and the rest of the world.
- Please pray for me this day since the Evil one continue to cause harm to me.
Some of the materials presented on these pages are copyrighted by their respective authors or original publishers. You are not allowed to use them in any other but non-profit, educational setting. You may use the "WBS Hungary" logo (c).
(c) Ervin Nemeth, WBS Hungary.