World Bible School Hungary

WBS Hungary - Interactive Bible Study

"Faith comes from hearing the Good News.." (Romans 10:17)

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I. Cloze Exercises (fill in the blank)
(Use your Easy-to-Read New Testament to find the missing words.)

God Loved the World
How to be Saved
Give Yourselves to God
New Life in Christ
The Good Shepherd

II. Mixed up sentences
(Use your Easy-to-Read New Testament to find the correct sentences.)

Matthew 16:16
John 1:7
Romans 3:10
Romans 3:20
Romans 10:17
Acts 2:38
2 Timothy 3:16
Matthew 26:26
Matthew 26:28
Romans 8:31
I John 2:24
I John 3:18
James 1:13
Matthew 5:48
Colossians 4:2

III. Quizes


IV. Crossword Puzzles


More exercises will be added.  Please send in your feedback and recommendation so that we may improve this site the best possible way to serve our visitors - both with its contents and layout. We'd like to use the Easy-to-Read Bible to assist language learners.

Some of the materials presented on these pages are copyrighted by their respective authors or original publishers. You are not allowed to use them in any other but non-profit, educational setting.  You may use the "WBS Hungary" logo (c) when creating a link to our site; we request a proper link and an e-mail notification to

(c) Ervin Nemeth, WBS Hungary.