Vote Michael Huerta President
- Vote Nattavadee -
Nattavadee is running for Vice President of Student Life.
If you intend to vote for Michael Huerta vote for Nattavadee as well.
She will bring her experience in RAB (Residential Advisory Board) to the needs of StuCo.
Click here to visit her website.
Content Launched
Website content was launched today.
Most links remain unoperational.
Bugs with guestbook now remedied
1st Flyer added.
Leave some words in the guestbook.
Flyers and Vertisements
23 Feb 2004 - Flyer One - Endorsement by Michael's Dog.
- Candidate Forum (Cancelled)
28 Feb 2004:
- Candidate Debate
01 Mar 2004
- Election Held (Vote 4 Mike)

Site can be navigated by clicking on the links to the left and the links in the news and information box to the right.
Michael's Campaign Pledges:
--- Double SAC (Student Activities Commission) Funding.
--- A weekend shuttle from Hopkins to stops in Downtown.
--- Increase flyer and advertisement friendly zones across campus.
--- Open up StuCo and make it accessible to all students at any time.
--- Change the position of StuCo President from an ornamental role to one of leadership and activity.
Only the President of Student Council can lead such changes.
Sophomore Michael Huerta is running to work hard for StuCo.