To my startpage

This is a site that is dedicated to a hobby that I
really enjoy- namely roleplaying. I have been roleplaying since 1981-82 and like so many
others I started of with Dungeon&Dragons and the Science Fiction system Traveller. But
after a while, me and my newfound friends discovered Runequest and we left most of
the other gamesystems behind. Today, me and my friends meet about once a month to
eat splendid dinners, drink wine and involve ourselves in fantasies that are far
away from the reality we live every day. Quiet a few of my best friends I would´t have
known today without this hobby. Today we are veterans. We have known each others for
almost 20 years. We work as doctors, laywers, engineers, restaurant managers, economists,
teachers etc..and we all try to keep the child within us alive so that we dont´t become
like boored middle class twits.......ja, sure
Enter here, if you are intrested in
illustrations, drawings, citymaps etc.
Enter here if you want to
visit the Palace of Flowers. 
The Diary of Hally Von
Read the fantastic diary of a learned, bold, handsom and HEROIC.....(Eh!.......well!....according to himself anyway...)
botanist and warrior called Hally Von Enkorth. How he led a mixed band of heroes on a
quest for a legendary sky sledge in the deadly chaos infested valley of Dorastor. Prepare
yourselves for a gripping tale of mighty deeds, lethal enemies, love... (Well, for flowers
anyway..) , blood chilling battles and words of wisdom uttered at nicely colored sunsets when our heroes ride towards the horizon....
Soon to be found in any wellstocked bookstore in Glamour -Jaaa!, sure...
For all
to know so I don´t have to mention it again
RuneQuest is the Avalon Hill Gaming
Company's trademark for its fantasy role-playing game. RuneQuest is copyright © Avalon
Glorantha is a trademark of Chaosium, Inc.
Gloranthan material is copyright © 1997-98 by Greg Stafford. Glorantha is the creation
and copyright of Greg Stafford.
Use of any trademark or reference to any copyrighted material is not on purpose
used in any way to break the copyright or trademark status.