The Sandman's Touch

The Sandman paid me a visit
he wakened me, needed to talk
about a few things that troubled
his ageless and jaded mind.

He divulged I was straying from
the path set out to walk. People
reaping harvest from my crusade
were left shivering in the dark.

He unlocked my mind to make clear
my search indulged me to travel,
find other souls to touch and guide,
serve as a beacon in their night.

He encouraged me to recall
my destiny by opening
my heart and soul, two eyes to peer
beyond the darkness of my night.

He talked to me, I had no words
only ears to hear, eyes to see,
and a heart that would respond
to his gentle beckoning me.

Before he left he touched my soul,
lightly in one simple throw by
reaching in his inner pocket
and sprinkling me with fairy dust.

© Anita Sjouwerman, September 15, 1998

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