
curl up with a book, music, video and more

The Art Nook The Book Nook The Gift Nook
The Computer Nook The Entertainment Nook Links

My name is TIANA.
I'm a forty-something woman from Alberta, Canada, where I try to balance my time between writing and family. I like to write poetry, fiction stories, and novels. Some of my other interests you'll find while browsing my site.

On this site I feature Tiana's Book Nook . A comfortable place where you can curl up with a book, read some poetry or a short story. The page is currently under construction, but to begin with I managed to post some book reviews of my favourite writers. Links and writing related books will follow as the site develops. Why not have a sneak peek while you're here?

Other Nooks? THE ENTERTAINMENT NOOK (available, under construction), THE ART NOOK, THE COMPUTER NOOK in co-operation with my knowledgeable computer-partner (this nook is now under construction) and THE GIFT NOOK (now available).

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since October 15, 1998

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