3417 Londonderry Court
Roanoke, VA 24018
Phone: (540) 989-8593
Objective Seeking a teaching position in a mild-moderate disabilities classroom in either an elementary or secondary setting with an interest in coaching swimming.
Education Longwood College
Masters of Science - May of 2000
Special Education with licensure in LD, EB/D, and MR, K-12. School of Education and Human Services. GPA: 3.66/4.00

Longwood College
Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies with a concentration in Special Education, 1999. School of Education and Human Services.

Teaching Experience Student Teacher - Nottoway County Public Schools, Crewe, VA
(February - May 1999)
Designed and implemented lesson plans in various subject areas to students with learning disabilities and mild/ moderate mental retardation in high school and middle school settings. Designed and implemented behavioral management procedures. Reviewed student's IEPs and took part in IEP meetings. Worked with experienced teachers in modifying curriculum to meet the individual needs of the students.
Practica Practicum II - Roanoke City Schools, Roanoke, VA
(May - June 1998)
Observed a high school emotional/behavior disorders classroom, presented lessons in various subject areas, implemented behavioral management procedures, and reviewed IEP's of students

Practicum I - Campbell County Schools, Lynchburg, VA
(May - June 1997)
Observed an elementary educable mentally disabled classroom, presented lessons in various subject areas, implemented behavioral management procedures, and reviewed IEP's of students

Related Work Experience Educational Intern - The Achievement Center, Roanoke, VA
(May - August 1999)
Preformed a causal comparative study of the effects of the change from the Orton-Gillingham Reading System to the Wilson Reading System on the time students spend in the Achievement Center, Gathered and analyzed data, Designed, coded, and maintained a webpage for the Achievement Center,

Classroom Aide - The Center of Rehabilitation and Development, Roanoke, VA
(Summer 1994 - 1996)
Supervised and planned activities for children with various disabilities and emotional problems, implemented behavioral management behavioral management procedures, assisted physical and occupational therapists as well as speech pathologists. Directed students in working toward academic, behavioral, and social skills goals

Work Experience Assistant Manager/Lifeguard - Forest Hills Swim and Racquet Club, Roanoke, VA
(Summer 1996 - 1999)
Certified in lifeguarding, community first aid, and CPR for the professional rescuer by the American Red Cross, supervised large group of swimmers, enforced pool's rules and policies, dealt with the public in matters if membership and suggestions, instructed lifeguards in procedures involving their duties, taught swim lessons to children ages 4 to 13, participated in in-services involving various lifeguarding techniques
Computer Skills Familiar with Windows 95/98/NT and Macintosh operating systems, HTML, FTP, Macromedia Dreamweaver 3,Office 97/2000, Adobe Photoshop 5.5, Paint Shop Pro, and the Internet, Graphics creation, Webmaster and site creator of the Longwood College Swimming website, site creator of Longwood College Student Teaching Webpage and The Achievement Center Webpage
Other Skills Nonviolent Crisis Intervention:
Certified in nonviolent crisis intervention by the Crisis Prevention Institute, Inc. 12 hours of training.
Activities Longwood College Swim Team - Captain/President
Longwood Environmental Awareness Foundation
Council of Exceptional Children
International Studies Hall
References Complete Employment Portfolio, including transcript, may be obtained upon request from the Career Center, Longwood College, Farmville, VA 23909 (804) 395-3379

Contact Erik B. Largen at
Page Last Updated: Thursday, April 20, 2000