In the middle of one of my manditory college student drinking binges I decided to put my everclear to good use. For those of you who don't know, Everclear, grain alcohol, is the god of liquor. While most liquors range from 80 to 100 proof (40% to 50% alcohol) Everclear is an amazing 190 proof (95% alcohol). Needless to say that a little goes a long way. I went over to my computer to look up Everclear drinks but to my great disappointment all I found was information about the band of the same name. I soon got frustrated and gave up in order to continue my drinking but I did not forget. I am now determined to sing the praises of this divine drink and put up a webpage of mine own. In time look for various information about everclear and other frosty beverages.
corn everclear corn

Distilled from 100% Selected Grains

Everclear drinks

  1. Aftershave, ouch!
  2. Start fires in extreme conditions!
  3. Defrost frozen windshields!
  4. Fuel your car in emergencies for short distances! I'm serious.
  5. Clean sun glasses and rings... (squeaky clean!)
  6. Have the best sterilizer for first aid needs.
  7. Cool your forehead in extreme heat!
  8. Do away with those you don't like, "No, It's just rum."

Ok, we all know that Everclear is banned in like 43 states (I'm not really sure the actual number but it's a rough estimate) but is it legal to go to a other state and bring it home. IT SURE IS!

*****Alcohol bases used to make your liqueurs, 190° proof grain alcohol, vodka, brandy, etc., must be purchased legally. Alcohol can be transported between states, even if it is not sold or illegal in your state. Check with your state liquor board for quantity limits.*****

I personally have to make a hour trip down to North Carolina but its worth it.