Ok, this is for all of you that enjoy reading information on random people I figure that since your here you have a lot of time in your hands. First, my friends call me 'rik (short for Erik)hence Rik's Page. I'm a 22 year old graduate student at Longwood College in Farmville VA. I'm currently working on my masters in Special Education. Yes, I'm devoting my life to teaching children with disabilities and emotional problems. This doesn't make me a saint, only someone who gives up the promise of much more money in other fields to enter a under-appreciated and very demanding profession. Hey, society give me some payback, throw me spare change or your attractive women when you see me walking down the street.
This is the huge star in Roanoke, VA, my home town. I think this is the biggest man-made star in the United States and if it isn't I don't think anybody would care if I said it actually was. Anyway, when I was younger I thought that it really sucked and there was nothing to do. After my experiences in Farmville, though, I realized that Roanoke in pretty kicking. However, its about time I see the rest of the world. Right now I'm trying to decide on places that I would like to teach when I graduate. So far several places have come to mind: Atlanta, Northern Virginia, Washington State, Hawaii. Needless to say I'm leaning towards Hawaii. Hell, the only things I need to survive is a shack on the beach, a fridge, a blender, and a radio. Who could think of a better life then that? Surprisingly I was also the captain of Longwood's swim team for the last couple years. I'm attempting to do it again this year but with all my work who know how much time I will have to run around in a speedo.
If your really bored and have no life you might wonder why I added to the internet's endless amount of worthless personal homepages. To tell you the truth I really don't remember. I had been working on a webpage for my Writing Theory and Practice class, Kidspublishing and one night I came in from one of my required college student drinking binges and evidentially decided that I too needed a website. I woke up the next morning with a killer hangover and found the site and at that point thought to myself "What the hell? If you start something you might as well go hardcore." After looking around I realized there is a lot of pure shit on the web. Most personal web-pages consists of "Hi, I like to chat, these are my favorite links, this is a picture of my cat" and so on. Its just mind numbingly bad. Hopefully this page will present me in a some what better light, hopefully anybody reading this page will actually learn something about me. I'm not sure why you would want to but then again your the one reading this.
If after reading this you for some reason want to contact me you can ICQ me using the panel at the bottom of the page. If you don't have this program, get it. It's a great program that for some reason nobody seems to use, please don't think AOL instant messanger is your only option. However, if your intent on using it my screen name is elargen (Fuck you, I know it's not creative. I just have something against people who make a poor attempt to express themselves through their screen name).
Finally, you can E-mail me. Hopefully, since you have gone to so much trouble trying to get in touch with me your a beautiful woman who is smitten by my wit, someone that is offering me a great job, or happens to want to give me money. I'd be happy with each of these or a combination of the three. I've actually had quite a few people contact me because of this page and there is a variety of personalities out there. I have meet some really damn cool people but then again I have been hit on by a 14 year gay kid, tried to be shown the light of Christianity by this religious nut, and have been yelled out by this insane AOL chic who uses such terms as KEWL and had the working vocabulary of a 2 year old.
In case your mindlessly bored by now, you can look around the rest of my site. Who knows, you might actually find something you enjoy.
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