The Couch's Gallery Of Awards

Occasionally The Couch is lucky enough to get acknowledged for it's amazingness, spiffiness, and general kick-ass-ness as well. (though not usually all at the same time, that could be dangerous.) It's at these times when The Couch is given awards. We get our named called, we go up, we weep a bit, thank all the little people, sit back down, and celebrate - it's fun. These awards don't do much to the Couch other increase our ego and allow us to say "The Award Winning Couch." And really, that's enough for us. All of our awards are displayed below with a short description.  Click on an award to see it full size.

The award originally designed by the Kinky Kouch, our previous incarnation.  Only two sites ever received it.

Those crazy kids and their awards...

This one's interesting, Sergio actually won it for the Sergio Saga. He's proud of that, definitely.

This isn't really an award, but we're proud of it none the less. Bör§t! Vødkä, vødkä, vødkä, móóshkï!

I'm not really sure where this one came from , but it looks interesting, it has cows on it, and it's an award, so it's here.

I think this is probably the most legitimate award we have. Makes us feel proud.

Yet another legitimate award, Damn.  We're good.

Was this guy on crack?  Un-cheesey...

Only because we often say "rockin'" did we allow this.  The hair flip is nice too..

 Okay, we're just not touching this one.

 The use of Crude and Dude in the same award with crappy graphics made us almost not even want to put this up... but we realized it makes it even better...

We are all red hot, especially this site.  not sure what "grand winner" means though...

We had a funky turtle once, named Tito.  Well, he wasn't funky until he died... we didn't notice 'till he got really funky. Damn.

Somehow this has charm.

And this does not.

Five stars, 'nuff said.


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