
Medusa - One of the Gorgons

Greetings & Welcome to Mythicos. This website, hopes to become one of the best and most informative archives of mythology and religous content on the Internet. This must all sound terribly boring...maybe it does to someone who has never heard of Medusa, the woman hated by Aphrodite for making love to a man in her own sacred Temple, and so as punishment, turned her into an evil & deadly creature. And what about the Shichi-fuku-jin - the Seven Gods of Luck from Japan, you never know, you just might have one of them in your attic, an old ornament! So it's not boring *grin* So why not have a look around and see the extent of our work? At the moment we are just beginning and as there are *alot* of deities from each culture and civilization (52 from Egypt alone!) it will be slow work at the start, but believe me, we're all workers here! *s* So stick around and bookmark the compendium of fascination!

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