
Welcome to my little circle on the web.
Through here are some of my personal poems involving both the victory and the loss of love. We all know what it's like to feel the intensity of a relationship and the painful demise of it as well ~~ a word of caution: one or two have a bit of an adult theme in mind so please, if you're a minor then you shouldn't read them.

Link to poems

My Star Trek Voyager fan fiction involves Kathryn and Chakotay. They all have a rating in the beginning of the story but several have very mature situations. Minors please do not read the ones with NC 17 and R ratings.
Feedback is always welcome on all my writings.

Link to fan fiction

I enjoyed to the show Roswell during it's short run and written two stories based on the relationship between Max and Liz. Enjoy!

Link to Roswell fan fiction

Included are some short stand alone stories ~ these are mere images that popped into my mind and deserved writing down. Enjoy!

Link to short stories

Link to erotic stories
I have my erotica set to PRIVATE - if you wish to read it, ask for permission

I love knowing who has passed by here so please leave your message in my guestbook.
Do not share my works without my written permission, thanks.


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