the key [to the stateless state]


...of Self-realization is simple: Let the ego disappear.
It's done by asking oneself, pointblank, "Who am I?"
And as it's being carefully hunted down it will start loosening its hold.
(It has no other choice.)
The fact is that ordinarily its tenacious grip is derived from our habit of leaving it alone without questioning its authority.
Therefore if we question it, with determination, it has no recourse but to start yielding.

Now, the most vital factor in coercing this ego to yield is the strength of your desire to take it to task, which needs to be as intensely engaged as a drowning man fighting for a breath of air!
(Please be advised that anything less than such desire will surely fail.)


Parameters of Enlightenment

1, The experience of Self, neutralized of thoughts*, is Enlightenment. 2. Enlightenment, in turn, avails the fact that the Self-experience is the selfsame Self-experience that everyone has, quite ordinarily. 3. All that's required of the individual is their thoughts be defused*, so the Self can shine forth undiverted, undistorted and unimpeded. 4. Yet the Self cannot help but shine automatically;...only the gross distractions of the Mind seem to curve our experience into something forged unreal or painful. Yet, this occurrence, as such, is an illusion too. This occurrence is not occurring! 5. On the contrary, all there is is Being. Events within It are only Itself and nothing more...nothing different. Herein lies the death of maya. 6. Stop trying. _______________ * "neutralized of thoughts": (same as "defusing thoughts"--see below) * "defusing one's thoughts" implies that they're no longer the controlling factor commandeering the individual's field of experience. Whether or not they continue to exist is unimportant; the point is that the impetus of the individual's awareness is no longer being manipulated by the Mind; rather it's being [automatically] lead by the natural flow of pure Being, emanating the Heart. (It may help to remember that the instruments of the Mind, such as logic, philosophy, the various esoteric teachings/methods to achieve enlightenment, etc, are only a means to an end. Every jnani worth their salt in effectively conveying vital information will emphasize this. The Buddha made it very clear in his metaphor of "not mistaking the finger pointing to the moon for the moon iself." Similarly with ALL thoughts/involvements with the World-appearance. Someday you'll release them all; why not today?)


Desire + Relativity* = Suffering = Ignorance = Maya = Saguna Brahman [representing the Infinitesimal Fragment of the Totality of Reality]

* Relativity: In this context, it applies to Life's myriad pairs of opposites. (e.g.: Pain/Pleasure; Hope/Fear; Good/Evil; Light/Darkness; Freedom/Bondage; Knowledge/Ignorance; etc.)


Although the 'destruction of the Mind' and the 'cessation of thoughts' are emphasized in these pages (as well as in the various classical texts of Advaita, such as Yoga Vasishtha, Ribhu Gita, Advaita Bodha Deepika, among others, as well as in the Upanishads in general), it is NOT an inevitable factor or characteristic of jivanmukti (Liberation). It is so emphasized as a technique for derailing the ordinarily presumed importance attributed to the Mind. In the sahaja (natural) state, the ahamkara or 'I'-conceit of the jiva is dead, and in this sense he/she is said to be without a mind. Nevertheless, the thoughts may continue for as long as the body is yet occupied (that is, prior to the mahasamadhi of the videhamuktha); however, they will no longer retain their previously unchallenged position of authority--and this is the critical difference.

To Summarize: The destruction of the Mind doesn't necessarily imply that the jiva no longer has any thoughts, per se; rather that the thoughts are no longer compelling. In fact, they are utterly inconsequential (if they happen at all, they just happen).


The Non-Meaning of, for Example, a Nuclear Strike

Whatever happens in this world is without Absolute Value / Is without consequence in Reality / Whether someone or something challenges you in whatever imaginable way / Through whatever eventuates / In whatever condition befalls you / etc, etc / is, in truth, irrelevant. Why? How can this possibly be? Simple: Because that which is Real (and therefore Permanent / Everpresent / Unborn and Undying), as opposed to that which is maya (and therefore subject to Change / Evanescence / Birth and Death), is the Eternal Perfect Self, as opposed to the appearance of the multiplicity of competitive, antagonistic egos, which incidentally are just that, an appearance = maya(1).

(1) Basically, maya is considered to occur when the belief arises that some phenomenal form is considered real *unto itself* (in the sense of being isolated and separate from the Whole or the Absolute which, conversely, registers not as any *particular* color in the rainbow, for example, but pure white--the combination of ALL colors simultaneously). Otherwise--and this is important to note--maya is quite real. As the famous axiom goes, "All this is Brahman." Again, only if/when one isolates a particular facet within the realm of maya, is the condition born when one is confronted with mithya (or that which is unreal).


For awhile (in training)
the game of dvaita (duality)
has to be played
(addressing the notion 
of ego and
its concomitant 
notion of Relativity),
until the momentum of 
the intellect
builds and eventually 
discovers the
way to unhook the 
web of the ego-Mind.
Then the apparent 
dvaita can be discarded
[as a thorn is used to pluck
out another from under the skin
and both are discarded]...

Maya According to Sankara

In what sense did Adi Sankara refer to the world as being a 'dream'?
It seems unequivocally the case that He was referring to the sense of how it is being perceived and consequently experienced. Whenever it's apprehended in terms of its *particulars*, exactly then and there it is maya. The world itself is Brahman; it's when an item *within* the world is singled out as being *exclusive*, that we have the birth of maya. (And here's a great hint: Maya, as such, exists nowhere at all except dreamlike in your own mind. Investigate this for yourself.)

The bottom line is, if an isolated form or event is here today and gone tomorrow, how real can it be? If someone wants to call it 'temporarily real,' fine. But why bother sinking a life's worth of effort into building a material empire if it inevitably must crumble into dust?! Is there perhaps something more worthwhile to strive for?


Beyond the Act of Creation

It's quite remarkable to realize how we literally go out of our way to cast ourselves out of our innate Bliss, via some inexplicable will to contract our Spirit into a particularized body (Freedom-in-a-Box!). This, incidentally, represents the Act of Creation itself--and indicates, at least inferentially, the futility of causing the ego's manifestation, along with its concurrent tendency to aggrandize itself at the expense of other egos (or the idea of 'other egos').

Technically speaking, we individually go through an Act of Creation every morning we wake up AS WELL AS each and every moment thereafter throughout the day (which is, incidentally, exactly how the world itself is maintained). Now, this entire phenomenon, in all its various applications [on the macro and microcosmic levels], is a product of Desire. The Desire to witness and experience. This, in turn, can be further reduced to the idea of Entertainment (these ideas were made known from the first passages in the Rig Veda, the oldest extant spiritual document known to man). Now, we could infer from this that Undifferentiated Raw Consciousness wants to involve itself with things sensational (see note below). Unfortunately, the price for this Desire entails the sacrifice of Freedom, for, in order to accomplish the dynamic of experientialism, a separative focal point of awareness (ego) is required. And this implies a contraction; a limit. This, in turn, implies pain and bondage. (One can readily see how one blunder leads to another.)

Note: It's important to realize that this line of reasoning is only valid within the jurisdiction of the Mind, and is therefore itself naught but maya. Therefore, the entire idea of an 'Act of Creation,' as a thing unto itself, is science fiction.

On the other hand, there IS a valid [albeit temporal] component latent within the mechanism of the ego, which eventually becomes its function as a launch pad for UNQUALIFIED awareness. Devoid of the notion of isolation/exclusivity, such a role is integral to the stage of the Jivanmukta*, where the ego yet appears to be active due to residual prarabdha karma* playing itself out.

*Jivanmukta: One who is liberated while still alive (in a body).

*Prarabdha Karma: Of the three kinds of karma (the other two being sanchita: total accumulation of all karma; and agami: newly created by actions in the [relative] here and now), prarabdha is that which has been determined by the soul and selected from the storehouse of sanchita to be worked out in the present incarnation. And, in the case of the Jivanmukta, it represents the only remaining karma [of the three] which has yet to work itself out, as long as a body is still occupied. Whereas, when the body dies, the entity is then referred to as a Videhamukta or "an enlightened one who is disembodied." (Yet, between the Jivanmukta and Videhamukta, there is actually no difference in their state or quality of Liberation, since Liberation is said to have no degrees.)

Prior to the Jivanmukti stage, the idea of ego as a separative entity is the common mistake being made. This leads to the false Life Conception of dvaita (dualism). Conversely, the true focal point of individual awareness is an UNQUALIFIED expression or reflection of the Absolute Self [which pervades all egos, world, and Creator, EQUALLY]. This is the Natural State (sahaja sthithi), where the Mind's comparative judgments are rendered ineffective...are no longer influential, because the Reality of Self is immanent/transcendental. That is to say that the Self is at once within the entire Wave/Particle Universe and yet beyond it. There is nothing outside of It, nor separate from It. And the moment the Mind generates the belief that an energetic form or event DOES exist apart and isolated with some unique and independent purpose, is the moment we yield to the blunder of maya. And we all know that maya, as such, is merely a dream-- having no substantive existence. Can it be otherwise?

As maya is merely illusion, so are [its byproducts of] ignorance, fear, suffering and the powerful urge to fulfil Desire, equally illusion. For these are created and sustained by the false ego-Mind. Whatever problems we have, the culprit always boils down to this awesome Mind! As well it should. What else could it possibly be? For, what this Mind is capable of is only exceeded by the imagination (which is also the Mind). So, we see that our only hope ever of conquering this impeccable no-stones-left-unturned enemy is by taking the attack to the source of its impulse: the Commander-in-Chief of ALL thoughts: the 'I'-thought. And, as stated earlier, this is accomplished by the atma vichara (viz. the Self-enquiry: asking oneself, "Who am I?")

After awhile, by diligently applying this question of questions, aimed at the thought of thoughts (the root 'I'-thought--the hub and rotary device of all illusions), the ego-Mind finally starts loosening its tenacious grip-- whether it wants to or not; whether it's ready to go willingly or not...for its mask has been lifted and its motive unveiled--and lo! the primal shift suddenly dawns (or it may phase in by degrees, until one day it's recognized that the War is over!) and YOU BECOME WHAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN!

This is The End of Maya Which Never Began.


All there is is Truth.
The Truth cannot not be expressed.

All there is is Brahman.
Brahman cannot not be expressed.

Even Maya or the idea that Brahman is 
Somehow not being expressed,
Is Itself utterly Brahman.


The idea that there are ajnanis (unrealized individuals) is based on a false perception. Everyone experiences, in every moment in time, the Self Itself. It's only our perception that tricks us into distortions and pathologies. Yet the fact remains that such *apparent* ignorance only thrives as long as we fail to question its authority. As soon as we trace thought-maya to its source, how can we possibly sanction its ploy?

These daily hypnotisms can only be broken by a steady discipline of self interrogation. The strategy is simple. In fact, part of the habit we've developed, as a consequence of the Mind's hypnotic hold on us, is to spin more and more clever theses and antitheses--that really accomplish nothing more than a trip in endless circles. Eventually the hub will be contemplated; which is the home of simplicity itself; which directs the ego to trace its source. Nothing more or less is required.


Self-realization is *release* of all ideas, concepts, beliefs, 
philosophies, attachments to [or reliance upon] sensible stimuli, psychic 
phenomena, relativistic values, judgements--as things *in themselves*.

It has nothing specifically to do with sounds, visions, utopian realms.

It is beyond description or conception because It not only infuses, but 
transcends Relativity.

It even transcends the idea of an experiential Witness, as such! 

At the same time, It's the very experience of the phenomenal world in 
whatever form it may take. 

This whole explanation both is and is not a koan.

It is simpler than "simple."

Alluded to as pure Being, It is beheld *within* through the process of 
dis-identification with the Mind, as such.  

And since this Mind is only a false alarm overlay, everyone is *already* 
the unbounded Self.

The way to Self-realization isn't through a process of learning, but 
through a process of unlearning!

Thou Art [Ordinarily] That! 

Alchemy to the Philosopher's Stone

There is an Absolute component within everyone's field of experience. And that component, common to all, is the inward feeling of the Self. Everyone feels it every moment in time, yet the [also common] overlay of thoughts is a continuous phenomenon that causes us to become critically distracted from this sense of pure Self-being.

This is the key issue that has to be addressed: the diversion from Reality caused by thoughts. Obviously thoughts are not the Self, because the Self is permanent and thoughts are evanescent (continuously coming and going). How can they possibly be the permanent Self? Therefore there IS a distinction.

However, this distinction is itself illusory because the Mind is an outbreath of the Self and therefore integral to It. The point is--as mentioned earlier--that the Mind as 'mind'--unto itself--is mithya and asat, viz. unreal and non-existent. This is an often either overlooked or misconstrued concept in vedantic lore, yet it should be carefully considered because it will help the individual diffuse the impact of his typically obsessive habit of judgement, which is itself the weaver of thoughts, especially 'fractional' thoughts.

Now, quite paradoxically--within the boundaries of this observation--this 'distinction' only arises within the parameters of Mind. When so-called Self-realization hits, Mind--unto itself--is understood to be *less* than a dream that never occurred! Literally. And that's the way it has ever been.

This is the true significance of maya as mithya. There was never a Mind; there was never a duality between Mind and Self, between Self and not-Self. This dynamic has ever been a mirage on the desert. It was never in existence for even a moment in time! This is the truth. There needn't be any doubt of it.


Regardless of what appears to be the case of
Multiple minds having judgments,
There is only Peace.

Regardless of strong opinions, anxieties, and philosophical
Questions and compelling riddles,
There is only Peace.

Regardless of heavy emotions, responsibilities, diseases of
The mind and body, and the cycle of Death,
There is only Peace that abounds.

Regardless of fear, hatred, war, and the relentless machine of
Desire with its attending effort to fulfil it,
There is only Peace.

Regardless of World horror, biological pain, and the magnetic pull of
The Wheel of Relativity,
There is only Peace that dwells in the Heart of Being.

Know this and Be happy.


On Love

Forgetting, [I'll say that] I love you.
Otherwise, [I know that] I AM YOU.


The Greatest Achievement Is to Stop the Mind.

Yet, contrary to what is assumed, what follows in its wake isn't a 'Void.'
For, since the experience is indescribable, and that it can't be compared to anything but relative awareness, it's sometimes referred to as a 'Void,' yet it isn't. Simply because there still has to be something witnessing this 'Void.' And that something can only be the Substratum SELF...the I AM THAT I AM. Because what other [value of] consciousness can it be? (Can there even exist a 'selfless consciousness'? The very idea is absurd.)


The whole of this doctrine [with its promise of Realization that *already* exists], hasn't an ounce of value--at least not to the hypnotized subject (ego) who's convinced of his awesome dilemma--until the mighty veil of the Mind gets miraculously lifted. For, within the Relative dream-trap, the process of its being lifted IS simply the greatest miracle of ALL! (Despite that it is yet the basest of illusions itself! Simply because when hunted down, it just CAN'T be found!) Still, thus it APPEARS so formidable to the one deluded by such [fictional] Mind.

Yes. To such a one, all these professed axioms and postulates regarding the nature of Reality can never be anything more than conjecture or theory until [he/she is taken by] the advent of a sustained samadhi (an awakening through the Heart, transcending the reasonable Mind). And here, seeing isn't believing...BEING is believeing--nay, KNOWING. This is why it's referred to as jnana.



And here's the secret of secrets: You've already done it!
You just have to disable whatever ideas are convincing you otherwise.
And this can be done as quick as it takes a spark to burn 
a mountain of gas-drenched cotton!
Just ask yourself, "To whom do thoughts occur?"
or "For whom is the bondage?"
or "Who's suffering?"

There ARE no answers to these questions.
Simply because there really ARE no questions!
Therefore, become your Self.
...Not as 'this way' or 'that'...
But beyond what the Mind can summon(!):
The *natural* Pure effulgent BE-ing.


Understand that there is no purpose whatsoever for scribing these words, for there does not exist--not even for a second in Time--even a lone whisp of a stroke of Ignorance, Suffering, or Illusion.

Yet, writ here do they not thus appear?

Nay! Not even a single word, save:




                          One Heart-One Self
                            by Shelly Borg
      In the province of the Heart, where the mind dare not go,
      There's a radiant Presence from which all things flow.
      In the world around us where mysteries abound,
      The mind seeks explanations but none can be found.
      The magic of the universe, which creates a planet and a star,
      can not be comprhended, but is truly WHO WE ARE!!

                          On 'Enlightenment'... 
                            by Bruce Morgen 

     The explanation is similar to why color and shape seem to be vague 
     concepts at best to a blind person. In this case, the good news is 
     that virtually *nobody* is actually blind, but rather willfully 
     blind*folded* via consensus conditioning. 

     There's no secret handshake or complex mystical nonsense to dropping 
     that blindfold, it's a matter of personal integrity and facing the 
     human psyche and spirit as they are, just observing the whole game 
     as it unfolds. 

     It's not a puzzle to figure out or a mountain to climb, and that fact 
     seems to insult and upset folks who've been trained and convinced that 
     life is a matter of intellectual agility and working hard for rewards. 
     This is a subtle matter, but there's no "chosen" elite based on IQ,
     work ethic or anything other than honestly looking at the contents of 
     consciousness without the preconceptions we've all been stuffed with 
     since infancy. 

     There's no magic involved, it's about going through one's personal 
     "dark night of the soul" and finding pure love and meta-gratitude 
     at sunrise.  Others can point for you, hint at the nature of what 
     theists call "God," but you've got to pull this particular all-nighter 
     all by yourself, in profound silence and solitude. 

     see: words of wisdom of bruce morgen



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