Welcome to my Web site!

About the Author


Learning Disorders



The Giftedness section is finally having its many dead ends fixed and its place-holers filled in. I won't claim that it will be done after the current spate of writing, but it will be substantially better! Already the MBTI section and Underachievement segments have had major work done on them... WHo knows what will be next? Any requests?

Some people use the Web to convince others of some point and others just to convey information. I hope to do a little of both with this site. So, if you are not convinced that this is a meaningful topic or you don't believe in 'giftedness,' please let me know what would convince you.

On this site you will be able to find the usual things - interests, links , etc. In addition, from my links, you will be able to enter an entire tutorial in the field of Giftedness - both Education and Psychology.

Please let me know if you find another of these online! I'd like to know. I can be contacted at jshaine@mit.edu