The new Totem Pole at the top of the driveway

Taken from our deck looking at the new awning next to the tipi.

We had a graduation party for Jan's son "Jimmy" on 6-17-2000.
This is with the lights on under the awning.

Looking from the road at our hillside.

Another view of the awning and tipi.

Deb standing by the arrow...Take a left here.

Looking down the driveway...

Looking back up the driveway

Where you will be parking...
back by "Fireplug Row"

"Fireplug Row"

Bridge coming from the parking area...

The spring fed creek...COLD WATER !!

Bonfire and tomahawk throwing area

One of our trout..No fishing though...

Deb showing off the sausages we just finished smoking 6-3-2000

Another look at the tipi...come in to see if you can find your name...
Or sign in if you haven't already...
Here is a few pictures from the 1996 Reunion..

1996 reunion

More of the 1996 Reunion

More of the 1996 Reunion