Mrs. Trisler's Science Page
Welcome to the wonderful world of science! My home page is designed to "connect" you with up-to-date information about assignments, course work, and the latest and greatest science web resources.



Homework Hotline

Homework Agenda

Science Fair Abstract form

Science Fair Required Forms

Hot Links

Science Fair Display Boards

Creating a graph

Microscope parts and quiz


Cool Science Sites

Introduction to Bacteria

Brain Pop Movies

Getting Into Fossils

Science Songs

Virtual Science Labs

Food Webs

A Dip In The Pond

Frog, Squid, Owl Pellet Dissection ("demos")

Microscope Operator's License

Get a Clue...Quizzes & Games

Life Science Games & Puzzles

Self-check Life Science Quizzes

Standardized Practice Tests (extra credit)


 Explore, encounter, and enjoy SCIENCE