What is the Wiccan Way?

Wicca is probably the most liberal, yet misunderstood religion in the world. First, let us start off by saying there is no "one way" to the world of Wicca. You must find your own path that works for you, and as long as you follow the basic rules of Wicca, then you are Wiccan. Next, let us dispell some common myths about Wicca.

  • Wiccans do not worship the devil. We do not believe in the devil or in hell, these are Christian concepts that were invented far after the Old Ways were already an established way of life. One reason for this misconception can be found on our Pentagrams/Pentacles page where we explain our often misunderstood symbol.
  • There are many ways of learning Wicca. As we just stated, of course there are! There are some who prefer covens, others who prefer to be solitaries. There are some who follow Celtic traditions, others who follow Egyptian. Do not let a book, TV show, movie (or even us!) tell you how to practice magick.
  • Wiccans do not sacrifice animals. Wicca is very close to the ancient Native American ways - respect of the land, Mother Earth, and all life. In fact, a sacrifice of an animal would break the first rule of Wicca, which you see at the top of the main page: "An ye harm none, do what ye will."

    So, what is Wicca? Wicca is what you make of it! We practice Wicca as an earth-based religion that believes that Jehovah, Yahweh, Zeus, Buddha, Isis, Venus, and all the other god-names are the same. All religions worship the same "higher power", we just call this "entity" by different names. Wiccans believe in the God and the Goddess as our "higher power", but there are many aspects, or "faces", of this power. The God and the Goddess are separate, yet one. (And the deities that are their aspects are also a part of them.) Confused yet? Good! Keep reading, keep learning. We welcome all Wiccans - Goddess-only worshippers, Druids, Pagans, and also cowans (non-Wiccans) - to join us in discussions and sharing of ideas and beliefs.