The New Moon When there appears to be no moon in the
night sky. A New Moon is representative of the Maiden aspect of the Triple-Goddess
and symbolizes new beginnings and freshness. Any spell that requires "gaining"
of any kind is best done under the New Moon; however, it is not required to
be done on the exact night.
The Waxing Moon, also symbolizing growth and the Maiden aspect,
occurs between the New Moon and Full Moon and "gaining" spells may
be performed at that time as well. In fact, some prefer to perform these spells on the Waning Moon rather than the New Moon; however, it truly does not matter.
The Full Moon Also known as an Esbat (which means "to frolic" from the French word "esbattiere"), it is representative
of the Mother aspect of the Triple-Goddess. It symbolizes fullness and sexuality,
but also is used for "drawing down the moon"; that is, using the
power of the moon and the Goddess. Esbats are used most commonly in honor
of and thanks to the Goddess, for Esbats are Her night.
The Waning Moon The days following a Full Moon when it
appears half or crescent shaped in the sky. This is representative of the
Crone aspect of the Triple-Goddess, or the "wise-woman". Any spell
requiring decreasing (i.e., to rid oneself of a bad habit, a binding spell)
should be performed during this time.
The Blue Moon Not truly a "phase" of the moon,
a Blue Moon is when there are two Full Moons in one month. This is very rare;
hence, the origin of the phrase "once in a blue moon". The Blue
Moon is the second Full Moon, and although many treat it as they would a normal
Esbat, some perform special spells in honor of the Goddess or use the "extra"
power of the moon.