Buddhist Philosophy and Democratic Politics

The 17th Karmapa Lama escapes China!!

Shakyamuni Buddha

"Not by hate is hate defeated; hate is quenched by love.
This is the universal law.
-Dhammapada 5

The purpose of this site is to promote the Dharma, the teachings of the Lord Buddha. I am not trying to convert anyone, I am just trying to make known information that will perhaps be of benefit to you. If what I say makes sense, use it. If it does not make sense then forget it. I belive everyone has a religion that is best for him or her and no religion is wrong. I, myself, am a Buddhist, but I repesct all other religous traditions.
There is a common misconceptin about Tibetan Buddhism. It is sometimes mistakenly called Lamanism. It appears that the Tibetans worshipped the lamas but this is not so. Also Buddhism does not mean worship of the Lord Buddha. We respect the Lord Buddha very greatly because he set an example for us all to follow, but the essence of Buddhism is not worshipping Lord Buddha we are following His teachings. We Buddhist believe all sentinent beings can become enlightened  and we believe that all sentinent beings are equal so therefore all beings can become enlightnened like the Buddha did.
    I do not claim to be a expert on Buddhism, I only am trying to explain what I know to you to the best of my ability. Surely, there are others who could explain this too you much better.
Please for information  that I have written about the Teachings of Lord Buddha click here

His Holiness, Tenzin Gyatso the XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet.

Tara, Bodisattva of enlightenment activity.

Bill Bradley, who I endorse for president. click here for more info

Author Link: Bill Bradley

Contents of this Site

Virtual Prayer Room

Wisdom for all of us, from a variety of cultures and ages

Do you have any Buddhism questions or comments? Talk to me here on the message board. or E-mail me here

Zen Meditation Instructions

Eight Verses for Training the Mind

The Buddhist Review

Links to Buddhist and Tibetan Pages as well as my suggested reading and political links.

Any comission generated from any products being bought from links on this site will go to charity.

Athens Atrium
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align=center colspan= "2">This Athens Atrium Site is owned by Travis Bradley

Author's Note

I would like to thank His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who changed my life from bad to good with his happiness, wisdom, and teachings. Without him I am doubtfull about whether I would have ever been exposed to the teachings of the Lord Buddha. He is my hereo and I only hope one day, I can be like him. I dedicate this page to all sentinent beings, may they all be happy and may the merit I achived in the creation of this page go to all sentinent beings. Thank you Tenzin Gyatso, you are my hereo!