I hope you have enjoyed your visit here. I welcome comments and feedback.
In case anyone is curious about the pics I put on my pages they are of my two
best friends on the Island where I worked. The chestnut with the wide blaze is
Jesse and the rose roan is Louie. They are really sweet and I love them dearly.
I had hoped someday to have them as my own but that will never be. They were sold before I could prepare a place for them. However they will always have a special place in my heart.
The other picture is a pool on that same Island where the Lake comes into a
small inlet. I found it to be a very peaceful place. I wanted to share it with
Thanks for visiting and you can come back as often as you like. I will later
add links to other people's pages. If you have something you wish to share in
return by all means send me the link and I will consider putting it on here.
Again...thanks for coming to share a little of my heart
Light and Love to
Also check out my youngest daughter's first web page
or click below