
09/17/00 02:46:54
Name: Tltracy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you sober?: ya Time Sober: 3 weeks Ride with an M/C?: no
Name of M/C: n/a Where ya from?: indiana How did ya find my page?: through interventionhow

how do you loose that urge when your aroud the bros?

05/29/00 07:04:03
Name: Franck.C My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you sober?: Yes Time Sober: Since 7dec.98 Ride with an M/C?: No
Where ya from?: Hjørring.Denmark How did ya find my page?: Clean and serene

Hi Zipper. Great site you got.Like your story!!!I wish the best for you and your wife.Will visit your site from time to time. Franck

04/30/00 21:02:13
Name: Kathy
My URL: Visit Me

We are trying to rally support for a national drug awareness candlelight vigil. Our 3rd annual LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS-DRUG AWARENESS VIGIL will be held in Philadelphia, PA and Florida on September 29, 2000. Please visit my site and spread the word. We eed to link people across the U.S. to make this worthy event a success. God bless you all in your sobriety!

04/30/00 20:57:24
Name: Kathy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where ya from?: Philadelphia, PA
How did ya find my page?: surfing web rings

We are trying to rally support for a national drug awareness candlelight vigil. Our 3rd annual LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS-DRUG AWARENESS VIGIL will be held in Philadelphia, PA and Florida on September 29, 2000. Please visit my site and spread the word. We eed to link people across the U.S. to make this worthy event a success. God bless you all in your sobriety!

04/16/00 02:04:33
Name: barb My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you sober?: oh ya! Time Sober: 2 yrs. Where ya from?: erie
How did ya find my page?: surfing,loneliness

Hi there Zipper, Good for you.Best of all to come.

03/07/00 15:29:21
Name: Lenora My Email: Email Me Are you sober?: you bet
Time Sober: Dec 24, 1976 Ride with an M/C?: brother does Where ya from?: Maryland
How did ya find my page?: sober links

March 3, 2000 To My Fellow 12 Step Friends: I am sending you this email to hopefully gain your interest in discouraging AOL online meetings from being registered with 12 Step GS0's. For those of us who are double "hatters", my concern is that we continue supporting OA's WSO position on not registe ing meetings. For those of us who are members of AlAnon, AA, GA, NA, CDA, CODA, ACA or any other 12-step group, we need to let our group rep or state delegate know how we feel feel about this. For me, I find the whole situation frightening. I have sent this letter to the respective WSO's and Intergroups. For a brief period of time, I volunteered to give service to these AOL online meetings. I became very uncomfortable with some of the activities and requirements. When I began to tell them that I believed we were violating traditions, among other accusa ions, I was called "vindictive". Some of the activities were recording chat logs to compile room reports, participating in attention getting "promos", using and distributing copyrighted materials. When I realized their expectations, I quickly knew that y program came first. A free AOL account, plus free virus software was not worth violating our cherished traditions. Specifically, I believed we were violating traditions six, eight and twelve: Tradition 6. An OA (AA,NA,CDA, ALANON, CODA,GA, SLA, etc) group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the OA (AA,NA,CDA, ALANON, CODA,GA, SLA, etc.) name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose. Submitting Room Reports for any 12 step meeting violates this tradition. Tradition 8: Overeaters Anonymous (AA,NA,CDA, ALANON, CODA,GA, SLA, etc) should remain forever nonprofessional... This clearly defines our role as members of 12 step group's vs chat hosts. If we are conducting meetings as AOL staff or Healant staff th t there is no gray area. This tradition is being violated. I am a member of Overeater's Anonymous when I attend a meeting on line. The role as an AOL/Healant volunteer is secondary. Tradition 12: Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all these traditions. This is commonly referred to as "Whom you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, stays here". In respect to anonymity.... it is not a just matter of using a "screen ame". I can go to an AA meeting or OA meeting f2f and never use my real name. It is the principle of anonymity and in our fellowship we place principles before personalities. There are no gurus. We don't advertise who the speakers are at conventions, meetings, etc. By listing who is chairing and hosting the meeting is in violation of this tradition, no matter what name is used, real or fictitious. These meetings are logged (recorded); this means, anyone can log the meeting. Along with that, the logged meeting can be reprinted and distributed to anyone, anywhere. I find this to be a serious violation of our traditions. I know they rationalize th t anyone can give a fictitious name and thus by using a fictitious name, your anonymity is protected. However, even if I attend the meeting as Daisy Duck, the anonymity of our fellowship as a whole has been breached regardless of my name. And although p ople are warned of this, how do we justify registering these meetings? Many meeting attendees are unaware of the logging of the meetings, as they have not "clicked" on many of the links, namely the disclaimers. Because of their naiveté, these attendees ay have "profiles" (brief bios) and in these profiles, they also may have links to home pages. Very often, these home pages will include their photos. These bios can be printed and also distributed, thus identifying the person as members of varied fello ships breaking anonymity. (Tradition 12) America On Line authorizes Healant Productions, Inc, a for profit corporations to let us have meetings on line with three hitches... a) Aol and Healant, in our best interests will assign a person who will "Host" our meeting. They say this is necessary so our meeting will not be disrupted. These "Hosts" will be members of respective 12 step groups (see job applications further on in he narrative) . However, their first affiliation is with the Healant. They are Healant staff above all, who happen to be in 12 step programs. They owe their allegiance to the Healant and AOL first regardless of our traditions. They even show up at meet ngs in uniforms required by the Healant. The uniforms are in name, called Host AnR. Healant encourages their staff many of which are 12 step members to post their "profile" on America On Line for millions to see. They are even encouraged to add their ph to so people know who they are. In many cases, the profile not only shows who they are, but also tells you what 12 step program he/she is in, how many years in the fellowship, and his/her photo. The following is an advertisement they use for recruiting chat hosts: Position: Narcotics Anonymous Chat Hosts Area/Forum: Health Channel, Addiction & Recovery Forum Keywords: A&R, A&R CHAT Description: The remote leader should have an interest or avocation for Narcotics Anonymous issues. Duties: Community Leaders will be responsible for research, hosting weekly Narcotics Anonymous chats and meetings. . Requirements: - You must meet the minimum requirements to become a Community Leader. - You must be interested in Addiction & Recovery issues. - You must currently be in a Narcotics Anonymous 12 Step Program Qualifications and skills sought: - Excellent communication/presentation skills (spelling and grammar) - Friendly and helpful onscreen personality, creative and outgoing - Dedicated team player - Familiarity with AOL Terms of Service and Rules of the Road - Typing speed of 25 wpm Other: - Must be able to meet deadlines and follow instructions Contact: Send an e-mail application to AARF Apply. Status: Ongoing. Applications accepted at any time. Healant then requires: b) That we complete a report and turn it in to the a forum leader within 24 hours after the meeting. We tell them who hosted the meeting, who was supposed to chair the meeting, when it started, when it ended, how many people came to the meeting, how many people left, the topic of our meeting, how the meeting went, whether or not the chair showed up, identify the guest speaker, etc. And, they require this report to be given after every meeting because they want statistics among other reasons. This report is available to an unknown number of employees of the Healant and the AOL. The following is an exerpt from a letter stipulating the format of the report: "I will need all the Meeting Secretaries (meeting hosts) to file your meeting report* within 24 hours after your meeting, using this new format below. Your assigned host, in turn, will send me a report each day with a complete listing of all the meetings in the rooms in this format. Finally, Healant’s will be entering all this information into a new database that shows the activity at our meetings. Most of the changes are simple and self-explanatory, and we will be using this format from this point on. f you have any questions, feel free to contact me at any time.” Area: AnR (addiction and recovery) Day: Day of the week the meeting took place Date: Date of the meeting Time: The *start time* of the meeting Dur: The duration of the meeting (1 hour, 1.5 hours, etc.) Room: Room name Topic: The name of the meeting - what it's about? Hosts: staff name (Chair) Guest: was there a guest speaker? If so, give a name, or leave blank Hi: number of members in the meeting Lo: same Avg: same Was protocol used in the meeting? y/n TOS: were there any problems in the meeting? If so, how many times? No Show: did a chair (host) not show up? Reason: reason for the no show (LOA? Sick?) Cancel: was the meeting canceled? If so, why? Notes: a brief description of how the meeting went *(This is the actual format that Healant Productions, Inc requires) Lastly, the Healant and AOL requires: c) We give them a written record of everything that was said at the meeting. Using this scenario shows what could happen at an online meeting. For example, the Daily News, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post and any newspaper from around th world. Including but not limited to, Europe, Asia, Canada, South America, Africa, Australia, etc. Sends someone to the meeting because it is an open meeting. To add to this predicament, the University of Maryland, John Hopkins Hospital and other organi ations send students, doctors, nurses, professors, lawyers, etc. to meetings so they can gain insight into how the program works, the dynamics of meetings, behavioral characteristics, problems people have, how they handle their problems, etc. Since these are open meetings, anyone can attend. Then they take this information back, gather it into their archives, analyze what was said in their respective classrooms, workshops conventions, then write research papers, periodicals and books. Movie scripts can ven be designed from the logs. We humans are incredibly creative people. I find this to be a serious violation of our traditions. This is like attending a meeting with a tape recorder. The only difference is that the meeting dialogue is already transcribed because it is logged. There are no mistakes in the transcription. hat you see is what you get. A person can simply "sit" in the chat room during the meeting, not be a member of a twelve step program and at the same time, allow the computer to log the meeting as he/she does all sorts of research on line, does laundry, make dinner, crochet, etc. Th simple fact is that the computer is doing all of the logging and the person need not be actually present at the meeting! To prove a point, I've been writing this letter to you while "sitting" in a meeting, saying nothing as it's being logged. I can eve let Microsoft Word do spell checking for me as I am at the meeting. Also, I can initiate a chat with another person in the room through a personal "instant message" (still a form of cross talk, but silent). To increase the intensity of this problem, at the end of this paper, you will find that I easily recorded a meeting log, copied and pasted (I could have even added phony dialogue to it to make it more dramatic!). Then I printed the log, photocopied and ow I am in the process of distributing it to you. The following is an application for file librarian: Position: File Librarian Area/Forum: Health Channel, Addiction & Recovery Forum Keywords: A&R Description: The remote leader should have an interest or avocation for addiction/recovery issues. Duties: Community Leaders will be responsible for managing libraries, creative input about areas and other duties yet to be determined. Requirements: - You must meet the minimum requirements to become a Community Leader. - You must be interested in Addiction & Recovery issues. Desired Skills: - Excellent communication/presentation skills (spelling and grammar) - Familiarity with AOL Terms of Service and Rules of the Road - Typing speed of 25 wpm Contact: Send an e-mail application to AARF Apply. Status: Ongoing The following is a recruiting advertisement for a Community Leader Position with Healant Productions, Inc.: Thank you for your interest in the Addiction & Recovery Forum! Copy-and-paste the following application into a new e-mail and fill it out completely. Please remember to specify which program interests you -- AA, AlAnon, NA, NarAnon, GA, Spirituality, CoDA, CAC, etc. Send your completed application (or any questions) to AARF Apply; you may wish to retain a copy for yourself. We look forward to meeting and working with you! Addiction & Recovery Community Leader Application ============================================ *Your Name: *Date: *Position for which you are applying: *Area/program(s) of Addiction and Recovery Forum, which interest you: *What you prefer to be called: *Primary Email Address on AOL: *AOL Master Account Screen name: *URL (home page if you have one): *How long have you been online (anywhere): *Approximate starting date of this account: *Birthdate: *T-Shirt Size: *Mailing Address: *Daytime Phone: (please indicate whether home or work) *Evening Phone: (please indicate whether home or work) *Fax Phone: *At which number do you prefer to be reached? (day, evening, either) *Are you a currently a member of a 12-step program? If so, which and how long? *Are you currently a member of an alternative recovery program? If so, which and how long? *Can you provide us with a recent color photo and bio? *Current Employer (include their mailing address and phone): *May we contact your present employer if necessary for a reference? *Have you worked online before in any capacity? (If yes, please give details): *If you hold a current CL position, would you keep it if you were offered a position with Addiction & Recovery?) *Are there any online Community Leaders (from any area) or Healant/AARF staff member whom we can contact for a recommendation? If so, please include their names here: *Please list your computer hardware specifications and operating system, and describe how familiar you are with computers in general: *Modem type and speed: *Version of AOL currently used: *Names of any macro programs used (ie. PowerTools, TypeIt4Me): *Do you know any programming or scripting languages, such as RAINMAN, Java, HTML, ActiveX or C++, Visual Basic? *Now, finally, the "essay question": Please tell us something about yourself and also give a detailed description of your experience and credentials (if any). Please include why you would like to become a volunteer staff member with AOL's Addiction And ecovery Forum. Please include any general experience with or knowledge of 12-Step Recovery Programs which you'd like to share; and what exactly you'd like to help us accomplish. Let us know what area(s) in A&R most interest you. Tell us what YOU would ike to do with A&R. If you feel you can "fill a need" within A&R, and/or you have a new idea, please explain it to us, here! ------------------------------------------------ Please write essay answer here: * I hereby attest that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. Screen name: Today's date: Is this possible? Is this reality? You bet it is. I submit this to you to emphasize the seriousness of this matter. I know we cannot control online meetings, however, I have great difficulty in 12 step WSO's registering these meetings that blatantly do not and, cannot uphold our traditions. Sadly, it s impossible, due to the recording availability of online chat. People will forever be able to log meetings. The computer and AOL software does it automatically with the simple click of a button. This means, online meetings are available to an unknown umber of people, specifically in the millions who have access to AOL or the IRC. If one has software called "Power Tools", the task is even easier. One can extract the dialogue of one person in entirety. That one person could be followed at meetings fo as long as one wants to follow the person. That person's dialogue can be send to millions of people through email or pass it out as I am passing it out now. Can you just see these distributed in classrooms and workshops? Has it frightened you as much as it frightens me? When we list these meetings as a service to our membership, we are telling the membership that our 12-Step Programs are aware of the problems but we go ahead and register the meetings because it is for the good of the suffering addict or relative of the ddict, etc. who we need to reach and thus overlooking the common welfare of the entire membership. At the time of this writing the following are meeting postings for about 2 –3 weeks worth of assorted meetings: 109 Room Reports for NA 157 Room Reports for AA 63 Room Reports for AlAnon 6 Room Reports for SLA, FAA, CODA 30 Room Reports for OA The following are actual filed room reports. The term “hi” indicates the high number of people who stayed for the meeting. “Hits,” indicates the number of people who came to the meeting, some of who did not stay. Room Report # 1 Subject: AlAnon 2/19 Date: 02/21/2000 10:23 AM Pacific Standard Time From: HOST AnR Grace Meeting: AlAnon Date/Time: 2/19/2000 10 PM EST Place: Freedom Place I Topic: Having a Positive Attitude Host: HOST AnR Grace Cohosts: HOST AnR Gold, HOST AnR Skadi Very good meeting tonight. No room problems at all. Lots of good shares, and a good mix of people with longer term program and newbies. Thanks to my cohosts who did a great job, as usual. :) Room Report # 2 Subject: OA 100+ lbs. Wednesday 2/16/00 9:30-11:00 PM EST Date: 2/16/00 11:00 PM Eastern Standard Time From: HOST AnR Greyt Host: AARF Dolfn Cohost: AARF Greyt Chair: AARF Dolfn High - 10 Hits - 17 Ran an OA reading from A New Beginning. Small but good meeting with people celebrating many years of abstinence and others struggling or just starting out. Good sharing but ended 10 min early as it was an hour and a half meeting and everyone had shared nd run out of steam. No problems in the room tonight! I can't tell you my disappointment when I called AlAnon World Services. The person in charge of electronic communications for WS is one of the chat hosts for this Healant Productions, Inc. And sees nothing wrong with registering the meetings. What a c nflict...not only a member of AlAnon, an employee of AlAnon, but is also a voluntary staff member of Healant Productions, Inc, who gets a free AOL account and does this reporting to Healant after every meeting she hosts! They swear they are not violating traditions! When I told Healant Staff that I could not violate traditions, they told me my obligation was to them first. Then I was accused of being vindictive or trying to destroy the good they are doing because I was trying to support and protect our herished traditions. One Healant volunteer, went so far as telling me “they were tired of being the patsy” for a twelve step group and that the twelve step group “would not direct them” In doing more research, I found information about this Healant Productions, Inc. They are the group requiring the information about the meetings: What Exactly is Healant? Healant Online Productions Inc. provides interactive consumer-oriented medical content for America Online, AOL-Canada and the Internet. Healant specializes in creating online communities based on focused areas of medical interest, including addiction and ecovery, chronic pain relief, depression, and alternative medicine. The company was founded in March 1996 by Stuart Gitlow, MD, a practicing psychiatrist with 11 years experience in online production, most notably as coordinator of the Macintosh Computing Forums (AOL's No. 1 set of forums). Dr. Gitlow joined forces with J han Salehi, an entrepreneur and expert in online services and the Internet who had successfully launched and operated several high-tech businesses. Stephanie Smith, the head of the GLCF (America Online's most popular online community), was asked to join t e partnership as Director of Community. Daniel Casper, MD, an ophthalmologist and medical illustrator who initially came aboard as head of graphics, joined the partnership in December 1996. Edward Ahern became the fifth partner as Healant's technical coor inator and Web designer. In the three years since the company's founding, Healant's sites and forums have grown to include a staff of nearly 400 volunteers, featuring the best talent the Web and AOL has to offer. The unique success of Healant's online productions is largely attributable to their ability to create a sense of "community" online. An online community may be defined as a collection of vibrant, loyal and committed members who regularly return to an onli e area to learn about and share their thoughts and views on an area of interest. Key elements of an online community include active chat room participation, large collections of message boards and interactive posting, and a concentration of user time in a single area of online content. While other sites may have high traffic but a low retention of visitors, Healant's productions exhibit all the distinguishing characteristics of an online community -- lengthy visits, repeated visits, and extensive interacti n with the site. Over 65 percent of their monthly traffic is from members who return to their forums on a weekly basis and who spend nearly three hours a week there, exploring the many popular features. These are the people who are "running" our meetings. They are the people who get these room reports about the meetings. Please note!! **(These 400+ volunteers have access to the room reports I mentioned. There would also be an unknown number of AOL em loyees who have access to these reports) The following is Healant’s Statement on logging the room chats: “We analyze our forum logs through the use of tools provided to the forum management by America Online. Through this analysis, we are able to constantly improve the value of the materials available here.” Then in on another link they say the following: “In keeping with the 12th Tradition of AA regarding anonymity, there will be no chat logs or mail lists from our AA online meetings.” (This is contradicting the previous statement! Healant then tells us: “One of the requirements for online meetings is that the room have an AOL Trained Host (AARF prefix names). While the primary duty of the hosts is to adhere to AOL TOS procedures, all of our hosts are "alcoholics in recovery". When in uniform, their po ition is similar to that of a face-to-face clubhouse manager. When they are in their "play" screen names, they are just another alcoholic.” “All of the writing in A&R including message boards, chat sessions, and posted text files, is the copyrighted property of Healant Inc. (the producers of A&R, AltMed, DIF, PRC and other great health forums here on AOL) and is protected as such. What this eans is that by posting a message or contributing to a chat session here on A&R, you expressly grant us the right to republish or reproduce your writing. We may, for instance, put it all together and publish a fantastic book, with a snappy title like, "T e Best of A&R Online." “Inevitably, some of the messages posted in our forums may contain information or advice that is misleading, incorrect, and possibly even harmful. On an open forum such as ours, we simply can't control or censor messages and statements made by participa ts.” But then, Healant promises the following: “Here at the Addiction & Recovery Forum, we respect your privacy! Any and all information collected at this site will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, loaned, or otherwise disclosed.” Are they credible? Can WSO’s bank on this? With so much contradiction, what can we really believe and trust? Here is a sample of a logged chat meeting: As you can see, they've used copyrighted AA literature right out of the AA 12 x 12 without permission. They used OA materials (until they were recently stopped by the OA Electronic Communications Committee Chairperson) and some AlAnon materials without permission. Healant is well aware of these activities and apparently, up until today, has not stopped it. One of their staff wrote to me that they cannot "control Chat Hosts using copyrighted materials". PowerChat: *** Entered Serenity Cafe on 03/02/2000 at 08:07 PM *** HOST AnR Pearl: even your crimes - we still can't deny you A.A. HOST AnR Pearl: We don't want to keep you out. We aren't a bit HOST AnR Pearl: afraid you'll harm us, never mind how twisted or HOST AnR Pearl: violent you may be. We just want to be sure that HOST AnR Pearl: you get the same great chance for sobriety that HOST AnR Pearl: we've had. So you're an A.A. member the minute HOST AnR Pearl: you declare yourself." HOST AnR Pearl: To establish this principle of membership HOST AnR Pearl: took years of harrowing experience. In our early HOST AnR Pearl: time, nothing seemed so fragile, so easily HOST AnR Pearl: breakable as an A.A. group. Hardly an alcoholic HOST AnR Pearl: we approached paid any attention; most of those HOST AnR Pearl: who did join us were like flickering candles in a HOST AnR Pearl: windstorm. Time after time, they’re uncertain HOST AnR Pearl: flames blew out and couldn't be relighted. Our HOST AnR Pearl: unspoken, constant thought was "Which of us HOST AnR Pearl: may be the next?" HOST AnR Pearl: A member gives us a vivid glimpse of those days. HOST AnR Pearl: "At one time," he says, "every A.A. group had HOST AnR Pearl: many membership rules. Everybody was scared HOST AnR Pearl: witless that something or somebody would HOST AnR Pearl: capsize the boat and dump us all back into the HOST AnR Pearl: drink. Our Foundation office * asked each group HOST AnR Pearl: to send in its list of 'protective' regulations. The HOST AnR Pearl: total list was a mile long. If all those rules had HOST AnR Pearl: been in effect everywhere, nobody could have HOST AnR Pearl: possibly joined A.A. at all, so great was the sum HOST AnR Pearl: of our anxiety and fear. HOST AnR Pearl: "We were resolved to admit nobody to A.A.. but that hypothetical class of people we termed HOST AnR Pearl: 'pure alcoholics.' Except for their guzzling, and the unfortunate results thereof, they co HOST AnR Pearl: uld have no other complications. So beggars, tramps, asylum inmates, prisoners, queers, pla HOST AnR Pearl: in crackpots, and fallen women were definitely HOST AnR Pearl: out. Yes sir, we'd cater only to pure and HOST AnR Pearl: respectable alcoholics! Any others would surely HOST AnR Pearl: destroy us. Besides, if we took in those odd ones, HOST AnR Pearl: what would decent people say about us? We HOST AnR Pearl: built a fine-mesh fence right around A.A. HOST AnR Pearl: "Maybe this sounds comical now. Maybe you HOST AnR Pearl: think we oldtimers were pretty intolerant. But I HOST AnR Pearl: can tell you there was nothing funny about the HOST AnR Pearl: situation then. We were grim because we felt HOST AnR Pearl: our lives and homes were threatened, and that HOST AnR Pearl: was no laughing matter. Intolerant, you say? HOST AnR Pearl: Well, we were frightened. Naturally, we began HOST AnR Pearl: to act like most everybody does when afraid. HOST AnR Pearl: After all, isn't fear the true basis of HOST AnR Pearl: intolerance? Yes, we were intolerant." HOST AnR Pearl: GA ((((Lois))))) HOST AnR Pearl: _ EAGLESORN: Thanks Bobbi BHardymail: thanks ((((((Bobbi))))) EAGLESORN: Hi Family Lois grateful recovered alcoholic & addict AP50: thanks Bobbi, Hi Lois BHardymail: Hiya Lois CassyGal98: hi lois WhiteElk2000: Hi Lois EAGLESORN: Thank goodness for Trad 3. Bill41885: Hi Lois Torp51: hi lois Sra5780: Hi Lois Misspickey: Hi lois CamillaRose: Hi Lois My Jen Trans: Hi Lois EAGLESORN: If the intolerance of the early AAers was allowed EAGLESORN: to stand I would not be allowed admittance. EAGLESORN: I had other "problems" and that would have nixed my EAGLESORN: membership I have also found copyrighted information used throughout their website and the links they mislead you to believe are an affiliation to the 12 step programs. They refer to these links as “More on AA, More on AlAnon, More on OA, etc. Some of those links re called: The Recovery Group, The Empty Bottle, and Recovery Rooms. They use AA’s logo as background “wallpaper” for many of their links. If you feel this is a violation of our traditions, please send this letter to fellow 12 Steppers. As a group we can individually write letters to our respective WSO's and stop the registering of meetings. There is no way that I can not be convinced tha these people one day may use the information gathered at meetings for their own purpose.... they are business people. Best sellers can be written based on the experience, strength and hope shared at these online meetings by unsuspecting people trusting n anonymity that does not exist. Healant has already admitted that this is a possibility. I hope you will consider what I have shared with you and contact your WSO about registering online meetings. In the spirit of the fellowship, Lenora McDermott Respond to :ODAAT23@aol.com

02/10/00 21:08:21
Name: BILL(aka-Taz Man)HEMBREE My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you sober?: YES Time Sober: 16 years 2/8/2000 Ride with an M/C?: yes when I can
Name of M/C: A.R.M. Where ya from?: BLUE RIDGE,GA. How did ya find my page?: Sober Biker web ring

Hope you will check out my place and the North Ga. Sobriety Run. This will be my 10thy year of fun and fellowship. Memorial Day week end 2000 Y'all come seeme now ya hear. Keep it clean and sober bro.

02/05/00 18:12:21
Name: dayna reida My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you sober?: yes Time Sober: a week Ride with an M/C?: not yet did banditos and others
Where ya from?: NY originally How did ya find my page?: turtles page sober bikers

love your pge have your wife write and I will write back I desin tatoos I am a female 35 NEED HELP been in program since 19 Dayna Reida c/o Carlson #1104 1391 S Ocean Blvd Pompano Beach Fla 33058 PLEASE DO NOT EGNORE AND WRITE NOW

12/16/99 02:57:13
Name: dave My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you sober?: yes Time Sober: 20 yrs Ride with an M/C?: no
Where ya from?: montana How did ya find my page?: road song

great web page

12/15/99 20:44:21
Name: Gilly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you sober?: Yes Time Sober: 9/23/90 9 years Ride with an M/C?: Yes
Name of M/C: Freedom Warrior MC Where ya from?: Southern California How did ya find my page?: I looked up sober biker

Great web site Zipper. A lot of us didn't fit a traditional lifestyle before we got sober, and it's good to have a comfortable place afterwards. I'm finding a lot of sober bikers all over the world. When the partying stops, the fun doesn't have to. It s a matter of survival.

11/26/99 04:39:14
Name: August (female) My URL: Visit Me Are you sober?: yes
Time Sober: 14 years Ride with an M/C?: y On back Name of M/C: Fifth Chapter
Where ya from?: Perry,Fla. How did ya find my page?: just lucky I guess

Looking for an Ol man Need a site

10/23/99 06:38:20
Name: Linda R My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you sober?: yes Time Sober: 12 yrs. 12-31-87 Ride with an M/C?: no
Name of M/C: n/a Where ya from?: Texas Panhandle How did ya find my page?: Recovery Emporium

Cool Page! I love how the page fades when you click on a link. I love the tacs too!!! I used to have 15 but only have 9 now. Happy sobriety to you and your wife !!!

09/22/99 15:15:33
Name: SkyDog My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you sober?: Not Now Ride with an M/C?: No Where ya from?: Jackson, MS
How did ya find my page?: Surfin..

Hello, I enjoyed reading your story of how you became sober. I don't belong to a club but I ride with some friends that belong to the Bandidos. I ride a custom 94 Sporty that I bought new. I just wanted to tell you that I was inspired by your story. I wish that could somehow stop drinking and using drugs. I am 37 and I have been on something or other since I was about 14. I am married to a good woman and she tolerates my addictions I guess cause she loves me. If you have any suggestions as to how I could get st rted stopping my drug/alcohol use I would appreciate it very much. With Respect SkyDog

09/06/99 21:43:33
Name: Bob My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you sober?: yup Time Sober: 11 years Where ya from?: Orlando,Fl.
How did ya find my page?: lookin

Keep passin it on.Good site.Good Sobriety what else can you ask for.Keep the rubber side down & God Bless.Ya'll ever get to Daytona look us up cross the street from Main St. Cafe.

08/26/99 19:49:30
Name: Amber H. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you sober?: yes but for the grace of God Time Sober: 16 mos. Where ya from?: Florida
How did ya find my page?: surfed onto it

Zipper, As a recovering addict and alcoholic I have been looking for sobriety rooms with in vp and happened to do a search and stumbled onto your page.. Wow read every bit of your pages and your links even..Grateful for the time I have been sober, it is a ways great to see others making it... Thanks for the inspiration today and will be back to visit the room , hope I get to meet you.. thanks again from another grateful recovering addict, Amber H. in Florida

07/28/99 04:30:49
Name: RickeyKB My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you sober?: YES Time Sober: 7-20-94 5yrs. Ride with an M/C?: no
Where ya from?: Galena Park,Tx. How did ya find my page?: web surfing

I to went to PDAP IN '75\76.Started going again w/family member in'97 to Bellaire & Memorial/Sping Branch.If you are in the area stop by The Industrial Group AA. Thanks

07/04/99 12:58:21
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me Are you sober?: yes
Time Sober: Daily repreiver Ride with an M/C?: no, but people in my group Where ya from?: Milwaukee & Racine, WI area
How did ya find my page?: suffering

Found a great group that acutally carries the true "message" of AA, which of course is on page 45 of the big book. I understand the lineage of the group dates back to the "First One-Hundred" There are about 3 or 4 guys in the group who love there "Harley's". Take care.

07/02/99 15:06:13
Name: headrush My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are you sober?: yep Time Sober: 22 years + Ride with an M/C?: not at present
Name of M/C: n/a Where ya from?: amarillo, tx How did ya find my page?: clean & sober webring

zipper, like your site== would like permission to link to one of your links (ie: "Soberiety & Recovery Resources")== my site not finished== I'm on WebTV and don't have way yet to put on pics==

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