Confederate Branches In My Family Tree
In My Family Tree
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This page is dedicated to the Confederate branches in my family tree...those ancestors that served their country as they felt led ...under the flag of the Confederate States of America.
The music playing in the background is
"Southern Soldier Boy"
. Click to read the lyrics of the song.
G.A. Britton, L Co., Roddey's 4th AL Cavalry Regt
E.G. Osgatharp, G Co., 8th TN Cavalry Regt
W.H. Brown, H Co., 3rd TN Cavalry Regt
"...And how can man die better,
Than by facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his God?"...Horatius
My Opinion...Should We Fly The Confederate Battle Flag?
On Being Confederate and Christian...
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Since July 1, 1999
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