What are they ?
Why are they Important?
Chakras come to us from ancient Hindu awareness. Over the ages, information has been filtered through various belief systems and cultures. Basically, all can agree on this point, however: Chakras are enregy centers within the human body that help align physical and spiritual balance.
The system from which I learned deals with 7 main chakras, although some systems have 5, or 7 in other locations, or other numbers, including a chakra for every neural end point in the body. Chakras are also designated with colors, in many teachings. The arrangements and colors of the chakras I use are in the diagram below. Please understand that I am not claiming this system to be the only one; it is merely the one I am comfortable with using.
So, how do we use chakras? I find that they are vital to keeping a harmony, a balance, within my life. There are also specific spiritual and physical correlations to each chakra/ I will go into some of the aspects that each chakra governs (thanks to the wonderful healer George Yim), but I encourage you to investigate this more thoroughly, possibly by visiting some of the sites I have listed. If the precise aspect is what you are seeking, please find more detailed information.
  1. I begin with the root. I see it located at the end of the coxcyx, or tailbone. This is where any excess or long held negativity may come to rest. It is also your base, or "center". Physically, it can correspond to back problems.
  2. The sacral or pelvic chakra, loacted just above the pelvic bone and under the belly button, is logically a sexual center. It deals with sexual attitudes and such problems. It can also hold repressed problems from your past (including past lives).
  3. The solar plexus chakra, located in that muscle just under the diaphragm (the muscle you breathe with) is the spiritual power center. Many magicians or witches, especially males, use this chakra as the focal point from which they send their energies. Physically, this chakra relates to the digestive system.
  4. The heart chakra (location self-explanatory)does not govern love affairs as some would think. It does have to do with emotional stability and the body's blood flow, supply and heart muscle.
  5. The throat chakra is found in the hollow of the throat (the front in my system), just above the top center of the rib cage. It is vital for creative expression, including words..which inevitably affects our intimate relationships. It can physically affect respiratory system, including sinuses.
  6. The third-eye chakra is located in a spot above and between our two physical eyes. This center is almost exclusive to "seeing" or psychic abilities, also involving astral travel. This chakra is related to headaches.
  7. The crown chakra is located in a rather large area at the top of your head, where you would wear a crown. It is a primary power spot. It is there to allow us to expand spiritually, to be aware of other energies around us. This is sometimes referred to as the god chakra. I have no information on physical correlation.
The above list is done in as close as possible to chakra colors. There is also an acronym for the colors: Roy G Biv for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
For info on why chakras are important and an exercise that you may want to use to clean them, click the next button.
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