![[Meanderings]](images/meander.jpg) Various writings that I have decided to post.
![[To Roadrants]](rantsign.GIF) A pull-no-punches transportation critique (U/C)
![[My Photos]](images/camera.JPG) Various photos I've seen fit to digitise.
![[Links]](linkx3.JPG) Other places to visit...
![[glicko's guestbuke]](images/1111010100subway.JPG) Sign glicko's guestbüke
Just the facts, please
Name: Michael A Kitchen
Aliases: glicko, Martin Brian Mulroney, El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, Love Monkey #9B, Rodrick - the happy garden gnome, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Jorge - the lazy chupacabra
DOB: 21 I 1976 CE
Last known whereabouts: Calgary, AB, Canada
Previously a resident of: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Present occupation: Civil Engineer-in-Training
Previous occupations: CSIS mole, prep cook, whipping boy, Chelsea Clinton's "bitch," pop religious icon, Communist stooge, tear gas test subject
Socio-Religious leanings: hyperbolic atheist
Marital status: "only to the sea, baby...and I live on the prairies... so she ain't gotta know anything!"
"Because it was there" -Sir Edmond Hilary
The following pages are vehicles for my personal expression. Some of what I say and create will offend a wide cross-section of the conventional Judeo-Christian values of North American society. Tough titty, said the kitty. If you don't like occational iconoclasm, satire, sex, drinking, drugs, food, and fun... be gone. If you think life is a sacrifice for some heavenly "eternal reward," go back and pray some more... I hear your saviour calling.
But if you are a mature person, capable of respecting my right to say what I want, c'mon in, mon ami/e. Grab yourself a beer or a cuppa joe or Earl Grey tea spiked with two fingers of Ballantyne's Finest or whatever it is that you consider a mild libation. Sit back. Enjoy.
- glicko