Creativity Behind Bars |
We are told from the time we are very young - anything is possible. That with hard work and perseverance we are all capable of achieving, "The American Dream". Sounds wonderful doesn't it? Look around at all your material possessions: most likely you've got a computer, telephone and a television. You are also able to experience the warm comforting feeling of having your family and friends close at hand. Definitely sounds like "The American Dream" for lots of us... Doesn't it? |
However, there are some people for whom "The American Dream" never came true. Maybe the very concept was something never taught or spoken of during their growing-up years. Perhaps other darker reasons intervened; for various, sometimes complicated reasons, they gave up their dreams. Either way society now owns these people. We make certain we speak of these people in low voices. You see, were not proud of them. |
There are those of us who may learn from our mistakes. Then there are those whom choose to "forget" the error of their ways. However, there are those who must live with their mistakes every day some even for the rest of their lives. |
If we were to take the time to look deeply into these hearts, we may possibly discover many are asking they be allowed the chance to offer part of their very hearts back to us. |
The following pages offer rare glimpses into the minds and hearts of the many men and women who have been physically separated from the rest of society. Although their version of "The American Dream" may never come true, it is their intention through this website to help us understand of what their "dreams are made". |
The poetry presented here is that which indeed flows from the inner depths of the soul. The artwork travels to us along the reflection of the minds eye. These works, some chilling all quite promising have been shared with us freely, without reservation. |
You just may find yourself admiring the work of these inmates or better yet, pondering, perhaps even understanding some piece of their lives. The one certainty, however, is that somehow and from somewhere within our own hearts we can all be touched in some way by these "Hearts Doin Time". |
Originally this site was to be limited to art that is created by inmates serving sentences in prison. However, this site has taken me on a much larger journey. One that I feel compelled to share with you. When I first dicovered inmate art on the internet, I was drawn to it. Not only looking at the beautiful work, but trying to discover the hidden meanings behind the pictures. As the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words". |
It was my thirst for answers that persuaded me to contact many of these inmates. Currently, I am corresponding with 40 inmates, recieving approximately 5 letters per day. They share with me their thoughts, desires, and inner most feelings. I have learned so much from each of them, things I would like to share with you. |
These inmates range in age, type of crime for which they are serving time, and type of sentence they have received. Many feel as though they have been served an injustice by a judicial system filled with corruption. Yet others support stiff punishment. The opinions that exist behind bars are as diverse as those found in society. On these pages you will find those awaiting execution, those waiting to die from old age while incarcerated, and those that will someday be walking our streets. |
I have been asked by many people why I have chosen to create this site. The easy answer would be to say it is just for an assignment in my Criminal Justice Course. However, that would be less than accurate. It is my desire to give you an accurate look at prison life and at the same time remove the inaccurate portayal of prison inmates. Many in society imagine the convicts behind bars have nothing to offer, I hope to prove that to be less than accurate. It is my hope those of you whom take the time to "experience" this site will walk away with a clearer understanding of prison life. It is not my intent to "glamorize" prison life, in fact it is the opposite. Look at these inmates through their talent and written word, realize that many of them are no different than you or I. |
Please accompany me on a journey, one that will take you behind prison bars for an intimate look at inmate life. |