I am very grateful for the chance of visiting a spectacular country, and some very beautiful people. I went to New Zealand in November 2000 and returned to the USA in December. When I left the USA it was just starting to get cold. In NZ the seasons are completely opposite of ours. Needless to say it was so beautiful. Flowers were blooming everywhere and it was so green everywhere I went.

David's family and friends welcomed me like part of the family. For that I want to give them all my sincerest gratitude. Thanks for making my stay there more than I could ever have imagined.

Here are a few thumbnail pictures of my trip to New Zealand that will take you to the larger pictures for better viewing. Enjoy your time looking through all of them. Thanks for stopping by. And please sign my guestbook while you're here.

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Here are pictures of Timaru, which is where I spent most of my time while in New Zealand.

These are pictures of David and family.

Cody's family

Here you will find pictures of Lake Aviemore in New Zealand.

These are pictures of Queenstown in all it's splendor.

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