Welcome to Toby's Hideout

If you are a maggot, get out now!

Hello, my name is ************ and I work for ********* in Long Beach, California. I'm a satellite controller with over 6 years experience in my field. I was trained by the US Army in Ft Gordon and was in Army Space Command. Let me tell you something...I'm making a helluva lot better money now doing less than I did in the army. Prospective employers feel free to drop me a line. Chances are I'm already aggressively bombarding you with resumes as we speak.

I think the Internet is the greatest forum for personal self expression the world has ever seen. Everybody in the world who has mastered reading and writing who has access to webspace can spout their views, no matter how retarded or enlightened, and the whole world can watch. This is the second reincarnation of my long defunct and ignored webpage, and I've updated a lot of stuff and added a few more pages. I'm experimenting with adding more sounds and putting hidden links in. I hope you enjoy the page. Feel free to email me. And be sure to check out my new Personality Quiz.

My interests include:

Toby's Hideout
Email me!