Groetjes iedereen!
Hi, I'm Rob, and I'm an eBay-aholic. I didn't start out that way, it just sort of crept up on me and hit me like a Mack Truck. Although my feedback wouldn't reveal my addiction, I've been a fan of eBay for almost two years now...mainly because they employ me!
Don't believe me? Well, here I am with some of my favorite co-workers in the eBay Customer Support Building in Salt Lake City. (I'm the handsome one.) "What are we doing?", you ask. were just having some fun on a very short break...and then it was back to work to help out our members!
Now, if you've recently bid on one of my items, or if you've recently sold something to me, don't panic upon reading that I work for eBay. If I followed the rules, I should have already told you this bit of info when I bid on your item. But in case the email got lost in cyber-space, you may just want to click
here to read up on the rules that I must follow when participating in eBay transactions.
If you ever have trouble contacting me after an auction, which you won't (I promise), then just click here to get my email address. I check this every day!
So there you go! You know all about me, and I've taken up about 3 minutes of your time (more if you looked at the picture to find the "handsome one"). Have a great eBay day, and I'll have to bid on your items later!