ajira of or

Welcome to mariah {GS}'s pages.
(a girl has only avs up so far..more info coming soon..*s*}

Here You will find ria's lil corner of Gor. a girl has tried to collect information for Masters..Mistresses and kajira/us. Also..now a great hobby of hers is av making. she has some of her first attempts uploaded..and is creating pages daily..so please bear with a girl..*soft smile* please check out the links to many of the first avatars original creators and visit their sites.Please browse and if Y/you find one Y/you wish to use and have personalised..please e-mail ria and she will endeavour to help..now please enjoy the following pages........Happy Browsing.

kajirae avs kajirus avs Rarius avs Freewomen avs original creators of av's

For the Master of mariah's Heart

Please take time out to read the Homepage of mariah's City and visit her Homestone...A/all are welcome to her little corner of Gor...

Enter Thentis City Hereread the Thentis City Webpage
ria's e-mail

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