Crimson Rosella

Patterson purple, bottle brush red

from the top of the tail, to the top of the head

The Crimson Rosella is really quite shy

if you say 'Hello', he takes to the sky

Small family units, sing out 'trip-klee' from their homes in the hollow, high up a tree

Of all the bird's, Pipe favors this one

for their brilliant colors, shine in the sun

Eastern Rosella

Pale-headed rosella

Rainbow Lorikeet

Musk Lorikeet

Australian Ringneck

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

I am such a cockie bird

I loudly brag all day

All thru the night, into the next

I have so much to say

I'm handsome in my feathers white

a gold crown on my head

I can learn all languages

for talk is what I'm bred

My power lies within my beak

and in my spirit, too

Once bitten, you'll not forget

this royal cockatoo!


In perfect timing

they soar in flight

Turning together

until they alight

Upon a branch

wings fold in time

A chirp and a kiss

heartbeats in rhyme

Mated for life

until death never part

Love for the galahs

is life with one heart


Whilst the kookaburra cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be called a parrot, he symbolises Australia in the bird realm and with his cheeky laugh and devil-may-care reputation, I feel he deserves to be an honorary member of the "phlock".

The poems on this page were all written for these pictures by my wife "emmarie" (yes, they are copyrighted.). The wife of a Parrot Head does not lead an easy life and I am indebted to her for all the help and support she gives me in everything.