God's Word for the Jews
A Collection of commentaries and books by Bryant Benton
Postal address: 1313 Halbert Road
Columbus Mississippi, 39702
All books are for Free distribution, To God be the Glory!
Files are Word documents in a "zip" file format. If you do not have a decompression program you can download a shareware version of pkzip or other compression software from
http://www.download.comINSTRUCTION AND TEACHING
The Doctrine of God's Left hand -
lefthand.zip - 292 KBALL healing is of God, BUT IT MAY BE THE LEFT HAND OF GOD (Job 1:11-12). SATAN IS (in a sense) THE LEFT HAND OF GOD! Now before throwing that out as absurd, READ IT, READ JOB 1:11-12. Since Satan was granted the power to AFFLICT Job, HE CERTAINLY COULD HAVE REMOVED THE AFFLICTION had it been beneficial to him. Of course Satan can heal, IF GOD GRANTS HIM THE POWER. Naturally SATAN WOULD HEAL IF GOD GAVE HIM THE POWER, BECAUSE PERFORMING SUCH MIRACLES WOULD ALLOW HIM TO DECEIVE PEOPLE (Rev. 16:13-14).
Prophecy Rightly Divided -
prd.zip - 392 KBALL Prophecy is the foretelling of future events and conditions. As with many issues of the Bible, there is confusion about prophecy. Even so, the only sure and accurate view of future events comes from Bible (II Pet. 1:19). Bible prophecies are absolute. All sure things must begin with an absolute: an absolute truth. The only absolute, enduring truth in all creation available to mankind is the Bible (John 17:17) .
Commentaries on God's Word
Old Testament Books:
Genesis for the Jews Volume 1 -
genesis1.zip - 327 KBGenesis for the Jews Volume 2 -
genesis2.zip - 320 KBDeuteronomy for the Jews -
deuteronomy.zip - 312 KBThe Book of Ruth ~ by Wayne Wuori -
Ruth.zip - 83 KBThe Book of Job, A Lesson in Righteousness ~ by Wayne Wuori -
Job.zip - 297 KBThe Doctrines of Isaiah-
isaiah.zip - 402 KBJeremiah for the Jews -
jeremiah.zip - 481 KBThe Doctrines of Ezekiel -
Ezekiel.zip - 395 KBThe Book of Daniel~by John Croft -
Daniel.zip - 925 KBThe Doctrines of the Minor Prophets -
Hosea.zip - 226 KBZechariah & Malachi for the Jews -
zechariah.zip - 158 KB
New Testament Books:
Matthew for the Jews -
matthew.zip - 1848 KBMark for the Jews -
mark.zip - 186 KBLuke for the Jews -
Luke.zip - 461 KBJohn's Gospel for the Jews -
john.zip - 423 KBActs ~ A Book of Transition -
Acts.zip - 243 KBRomans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, and Galatians -
rcg.zip - 380 KBEphesians, Philipppians, Colossians, I & II Thessalonians, I & II Timothy, Titus, and Philemon -
ephesians.zip - 389 KBHebrews for the Jews -
hebrews.zip - 208 KBJames, Peter, John, and Jude for the Jews -
jmsptjnju.zip - 356 KBRevelation for the Jews -
revelation.zip -309 KBLinks to other pages of interest:
Guide to Early Church Documents
Sites of interest to Bible Believers:
Authorized Version Today - RealAudio
Drawing Men to Christ CVM Web Site