Other Links:
Below are some of my
favorite links on the web which include insight &
information on various subjects, humor, & a wide
variety of other stuff. Check 'em out! :)
An editorial
(that I happen to *strongly* agree with) on The Boy
Scouts of America's stance
All across the USA
these days, there's kids & violence...it's
high time we wake up!!!
Especially for those
who have lost companions/familiars/pets...visit the Rainbow
Check out some of the
snowglobes on the web at
Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfuntion Syndrome--Info & Resource
Fibromyalgia Syndrome--Info & Resource
Page on FMS
Help the fight against CFIDS!!! Click on the
Need (free) virtual
flowers for the
cyber or other love of your life?
My personal
*favorite* for REAL flowers is our hometown florist, Camden
Floral--they do
AWESOME work & are also teleflorists, so you can get
flowers sent *anywhere*!!!
How about a virtual card,
present or vacation for your sweetie?
Or you might want to download
some other schtuff....
Some people are
pathetically *STOOPID*!!! How stupid??? Check out the
1998 Darwin
Awards to find out!
Need some humor
in your life???? Try this
one too!!!
Especially for kids
Get --and
join the rest of us chatterboxes!
Adopt a your very own
baby dragon at....
Get a *free*
dreambook for your homepage! 
you can search the web, customize a yahoo info page just
for *you*, get free email, and more!
These pages are best
viewed/heard with: