Welcome toDazzle'sHaven

Come, drink from the cup of knowledge, understanding, & peace!

Most religions can offer us insight into the many quandaries & crises of the world if we are but open enough to listen, think, and analyze what we see, hear, and know in our hearts to be true. Only upon opening our hearts & minds may we recognize the intrinsic value within each religion, for only then might we find the basic kernels of truth each offers us. If we can but shed our prejudgments and fears long enough to try to understand & learn, then perhaps we may find our Path and, in so doing, enable our soul to find its way Home.

I was born and raised a Christian. My parents were both devout Christians--my father was a deacon and my mother always did her part in the choir & in other various ways--but problems within the church drove them both away from attending church many years ago. Even without the church, each remained a devout Christian until the day they died. As I have grown older, my inquisitive and analytical nature makes me question what I have been taught all my life--what I have found are very unsatisfactory answers and even more questions. I also have always had several ‘gifts’ that I was taught (by well-meaning Christians) were ‘evil.’ However, I don't control premonitory dreams or instincts—so how can they be evil? Due to the closed-mindedness and judgmental attitudes I found within Christianity--as well as having the feeling I was missing something--I began to explore other religions. I began to ask others about their religions and tried to learn all I could about the basic tenets of each. I did not make an all-out effort to study one religion in particular, I simply asked questions of anyone I knew who worshipped differently than I had. My soul was very unsatisfied as a Christian, and thus my search for the Path to which I belonged began... The purpose of this site is to acknowledge that various religions are extremely valuable & hopefully offer those seeking information & education on Paganism--one of the most misunderstood, prejudged, & feared religions to date--a place to begin their journey.

What drew me to explore Paganism originally was learning that my nephew was a Witch--his chosen Path was Wicca. Because I had known him all of his life and knew what type of person he was—how compassionate and mild-mannered, thoughtful and kind—this discovery did not terrify or upset me; rather it made me curious to know more. I actually did not explore the religion much further until I became involved in a serious relationship with my husband, who is a Pagan. In Paganism, I found that my ‘gifts’ are accepted as natural, not evil or taboo, and I am allowed to worship God(dess)—in whatever format I choose to use to worship the Divine. So far, I haven’t found one formal Path in Paganism to which I can pledge allegiance. Still, I am accepted even with the many Christian beliefs I still hold that are so much a part of me. I am accepting of others who are different than me, and I accept that others may have differing beliefs from my own...it is my fervent hope that others will someday learn to do the same.

By Pagan definition, I am probably more a 'Meso-Pagan.' Regardless, I am finally allowed to worship the Divine I know in my heart without someone telling me I’m doing it wrong or it’s not good enough. I follow many of Jesus’ teachings and guidelines, but I am not a Christian--I do not worship Jesus. Overall, the Pagan religion is still quite new to me, and I am still trying to learn & find my way...but at least now, I am free to explore and learn--and perhaps find my way Home.

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dazz1e got her NeoPet, Saraph, at http://www.neopets.com

Send a Spirit Flower...adopt a Faerie...& MORE!!!

Don't forget to check out the links below!!! If you know of a site that should be listed below but isn't, please email me & let me know!

Pagan Links:

Below are links to some very informative, educational, & relevant sites:

Visit the Love of My Life's (my hubby, SlvrSplsh, of course!) Pagan Home on the web...it has a wealth of information for Pagans!

One Christian's view of Wicca...food for thought

What Neopagans Believe 5.1 or Neopagan Polytheology 101

Paganism: Religion or Folly? Ethical or Unscrupulous? (a term paper I wrote for Christian Ethics class, Spring semester '99)

Toward more Understanding & Tolerance, Compassion & Peace

More Pagan Resources

Rain's Reading Recommendations...for a wealth of Pagan Information

Subscribe to CaroPagans
Powered by www.ONElist.com

Visit the Village of Lothlorien at www.witchcraft.net

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Personal Links:

Follow thelinksbelow to find out more about me & view pics of me, my family & some of my IRC & other friends.

When I'm notstudying, spending time with myfamily, or reading/answering emails, you might find me on the undernet--on IRC's #30plus. I spent more hours chatting on IRC for a long time than most people spend at work....which may seem quite excessive--til you stop to consider that, for a long time, IRC was *all* that really saved what lil sanity I had left and was the *only* contact I had with the 'outside world'. I've met so many people on IRC I would never have had the fortune to meet otherwise--as well as several soulmates who have become best friends. I also met my wonderful hubby (Rain SilverSplash, aka SlvrSplsh) online...visit the page I designed for him that tells our story!!!!! Also visit our wedding page!!! :Þ


Other Links:

Below are some of my favorite links on the web which include insight & information on various subjects, humor, & a wide variety of other stuff. Check 'em out! :)

An editorial (that I happen to *strongly* agree with) on The Boy Scouts of America's stance

All across the USA these days, there's kids & violence...it's high time we wake up!!!

Especially for those who have lost companions/familiars/pets...visit the Rainbow Bridge

Check out some of the NEATEST snowglobes on the web at !!!

Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfuntion Syndrome--Info & Resource Page on CFIDS/CFS

Fibromyalgia Syndrome--Info & Resource Page on FMS

Help the fight against CFIDS!!! Click on the banner-link:

Need (free) virtual flowers for the cyber or other love of your life?

My personal *favorite* for REAL flowers is our hometown florist, Camden Floral--they do AWESOME work & are also teleflorists, so you can get flowers sent *anywhere*!!!

How about a virtual card, present or vacation for your sweetie?

SHAREWARE!!!!! Or you might want to download some other schtuff....

Some people are pathetically *STOOPID*!!! How stupid??? Check out the 1998 Darwin Awards to find out!

Need some humor in your life???? Try this one too!!!

Especially for kids

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