JANUARY 22, 2000
9:00 AM, Calf Upstairs



	The newly elected officers are:


	In order to provide continuity, it was decided that the initial set of board
members be given three, two and one-year terms as follows:

	During the subsequent annual general reunions, four directors will be elected 
for three year terms.
	Anton Victorio who was elected to the board last December but is residing in 
New Zealand will be informed that he will be included in the board when he comes back
to reside in the Philippines. He will be liaison for abroad.
	There will be three ex-officio members of the board: Director of Residence Halls, 
President of Cervini Eliazo Resident Students Association, and the highest ranking female 
officer of CERSA. Their terms as board members of AFORS depend on the terms of their 


	The articles and by-laws are being prepared for filing to SEC by Atty. Jose Lotilla.


	CERSA will take charge of developing an A-FORS website for disseminating
information about the officers, monthly minutes and other activities of A-FORS.
CERSA is being requested to report on developments in the next meeting.


	The directory of dormers will be prepared by Tim Gabuna.


	The Membership Chairman, Jose A. Capistrano, Jr. will take charge of
getting dormers involved in the association and establishing chapters in the
different key cities in the Philippines.


	Val Araneta, the Treasurer has been designed to conceptualize fund 
raising projects. But initially, the group agreed to charge a fine of Php 
1.00/min (after the designated time) fine for late comers and Php 200.00
for non-appearance per meeting beginning next meeting.
	A one time donation of Php 200.00 will be required for membership.
A membership ID will be given each member. This ID will contain the member's
address and contact numbers. The ID will be designed by CERSA.


	Toto malvar was assigned chairperson of the Dorm Alumni Recognition
Awards. A 4 member committee has to be set up to formulate the rules and 
guidelines. The output shall be submitted to the association officers for
approval not later than May 31, 2000. As soon as approved, nominations shall 
be accepted starting July 1, 2000 until September 30, 2000. The search shall
be announced publicly and disseminated widely through fastest means possible.
The first set of awards shall be given during the Dorm Alumni Homecoming on
December 2000.


	Since Atty. Gregorio Batiller, Jr is the Chairman of the Homecoming
Committee, he will be invited in the next Dorm Alumni meeting.
	A Forest Farm picninc for dormers and their families is being planned
for this summer. Mr. Alberto Malvar has an open invitation to hold this picnic
in his farm.


	The board agreed to hold their regular meetings every third Saturday
of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for February 19, 8:00 am at the
Calf Upstairs. The board is requesting the secretariat to inform the members
regarding the meeting at least 2 weeks before the scheduled meeting and do the
same follow up the next week.
	The board passed a RESOLUTION thanking the founding president of the
foundation, Atty. Antonio C. Pastelero.

There being no matters discussed, the meeting was adjourned.

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