The World of
Let Me,
Lead You There.


Contact Game Master Tolman by email, or come visit channel #rpgs! of SorceryNet on IRC.


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Quarter Kingdom: Foundations

Before the creation of Quarter Kingdom... long before laying the foundation of Four Corners Keep, all humane races of the land of Oikumen joined together. They sought not treasure or might, wealth or power. They gathered in this newly established, make-shift city not to gain influence or even advancement. They yearned for survival. This is the tale of the creation or Quarter Kingdom and its foundations.

Four Corners Keep

The Party's Quest

Who is the party

Description of the Kingdom

History of the Kingdom

Gaming rules

About gaming on #rpgirc

See a map of the land

Game Session Journals and logs


Hear ye, hear ye!

All delegates of towns and cities, hills and villages. The Senate requests your presence at the Public House lawns of the first day of Aposto. Interviews and tryouts will be held, and a place will be found for all in the new Public Army or one of our special Senate Troups. Our new city needs your help stabilizing the region, and your skills are needed. Public posting such as this have requested that worthy adventurers, mercenaries, and champions for the cause of this new community come to join the forces that seek the stability of the region. After vying for an assignment from the "Senate" to aid in stabilizing the security of this new attempt at civilization, these brave souls sought positions in the Senate's "Special Parties". Thank Rhea you have come!


The Characters

Count Orin Herick

the male diplomat from Dalm, comes from this far away city that no one seems to have heard of.

He has impressed some already with his serendipitous luck on the skills tests.

Newvert Battlehammer

the male dwarf, comes to the city as a lone representative of what remains of the Heavyrock clan.

Newvert has seen much turmoil in his life, and fights now to set things right.


the male human from Stone Fork, has done well in the skills test./P>

Bayor's skill has become evident. What a ranger is doing in these parts remains to be seen.


dazzled some with his appearance, if not his elegance.

A jovial fellow, his antics have the potential of being his demise.

Mystery person

soon to join the quest, has met up with the party on the fields near the Public house.

The accomplishments of this newest addition remain to be proven.


An Overview of the Quarter Kingdom

Coming soon. Find a rough sketch of the land below.


A Brief history of the land

It has been a decade of utter destruction for the freedom-loving people of the world. Civilized peoples across the land are being devastated by the evil minions of Poneru. Champions have died, communities annihilated, destruction has been unleashed. Poneru seeks the enslavement of all free peoples of Oikumen... and Poneru is winning the war. A call has been sent out... to all who would recieve it, to join together... put aside differences of race and culture and make a foothold in the land by forming a strong kingdom... a diverse kingdom... one that can withstand, survive, even thrive.


Rules of the campaign

Our gaming campaign uses AD&D third edition standard rules. Characters started out level 1, to undertake the vicious tasks before them. We use standard races and no class kits or secondary books other than core rules. Uninformed absences are subject to the strange tendencies of npc hostiles to strike first blows at them.


Playing on Internet Relay Chat

We play every Monday on Internet Relay Chat, on the Sorcery network. We have played on channel #rpgirc, but many of us also can be found on #grovewood on Sunday evenings.


A Map of the Land

A new world map will be coming soon.


Here is a rough sketch of the city is coming soon.


May the gods bless your fight against evil.
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