Since the beginning of time, people have lived and traveled through what is now Southwest Oklahoma. They left their marks on the cave and canyon walls. These marks may be the only record of their passage. It is my objective, to record as many of these records as I can, before they are lost, forgotten or destroyed.

I will not attempt to come to any conclusions about who made these marks or what they mean. I am an Amateur and will leave the conclusions and solutions to those with the expertise. HOWEVER! Any discussion, conclusions, questions or data would be appreciated.

SOLUTIONS OFFERED will be listed at the bottom of the page.








This script is located on the face of a cliff, 20 feet from the opening of a cave. The inscription is 9 inches long with the tallest letter measuring 2.5 inches tall.

Image #1. Color photo, Image #2 black and white , Image #3 is a tracing on clear plastic.






Images #4, #5, #6, #7, and #8 are close up photos of the individual letters, taken with a 35mm camera, with a close up lens



Image #9 is located on the wall of a cave. It is 4ft. 3in. long and 2ft. 5 in. tall. There is a figure at the right end of the panel. This panel has been badly damaged.



Image #10 is located at the right end of the panel.

Image #9



Image #11 is what I call The Filing Cabinet Drawers. It is located 15 feet up on the face of a canyon wall. The over all measurement is 7 in. wide and 8 in. tall.



Image # 12 is located in the opening of a small cave. The main figure measures 5.5 inches tall and 1.75 inches wide.




Image #13 and #14 are what I call a Sun Bird. Image #13 was taken with a 35mm camera and Image #14 is a tracing made on clear plastic. The figure measures 3.25 inches wide, and 3 inches tall. It is located near the opening to a cave and lights up every day a 1200 CST.



Image #15 is located at the opening of a cave.



Image #16 is located on the wall of a rock shelter.



Image #17 is what I call A Thunder Bird. It is located on the wall of a canyon, and measures 5.5 inches tall and 4 inches wide.

If you have any interest in any of this, or comments, please contact me by email. As I record other information, I will post it here for your review.

Thank You for taking the time to visit my site.

Gordon Jacobs


Donal Buchannan gave the following transliteration in Iberic as: "CADOS".

This could be the early word of the CADDO Indians. Also A word in early Hebrew sounded as: "CADUS" Which means "HOLY" or "HOLY ONE". Actual reading in early Hebrew characters was "QaDYS".

Gary Vey gave the following translation in Negev-Hebrew as:

(L to R) Resh+Alef+Tav+Chet+Shin

R-(silent pause, aleph)-T =Re’ut = visibility, sight

Ch-S = chaSa (hasa) = to find refuge or shelter

Since the language syntax is unknown, it in effect said,

"This is a place (shelter) to hide from sight".

Last Up Date 01-03-2000