Rebecca's Thoughts
Our lives as humans are about growing and learning, or rather remembering what our spirits already know. Through organized religion, AA, meditation, metaphysics, overcoming personal trials, or even live-after-death experiences, we are all coming together in a collective consciousness - oneness. There are infinite possibilities and paths to reach this “enlightenment” and the realizations made along the way are what are referred to as “Universal Truths.” There are endless words and thoughts to express about truth, so I will just write my thoughts here about the first ten that come up, not that they will be the only or most important truths.
Disease in the body is only a symptom of disease in the spirit and a calling for harmony.
Every event or aspect of our lives is simply a result of our choice, consciously or subconsciously, to create it. Keeping this in mind, we are all completely accountable for anything within our space.
There is infinite abundance in this world of love, money, courage, peace, (insert here ANYTHING that you currently say you want and think you “can’t” have.) This abundance is available through the principles of flow. Inflow is the natural result of outflow and vice-versa.
Fear isn't real. Fear is an illusion of your ego-mind to prevent risk and growth. Again, everything, including fear, is a choice. Forgiveness transforms fear to love.
Love is the only emotion your spirit-self will respond to and it is all that is real. Love is our energy, it is Gods energy, it is ‘white-light.” However it doesn't create anything. People create things.
There is no hope. Hope is useless and will never produce results. If God wanted to tell us every move to make he wouldn't have given us free-agency and our infinite powers to CO-create with him. If it is to be, it is up to me!
Words and thoughts have energy and power behind them. Affirming intentions using active positive words creates results! In the same way, negative thoughts and words are also heard and cause effects.
If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got.
Each human spirit has a divine purpose and is here for a reason. Recognizing this purpose and fulfilling it is our obligation to each other.
There are no accidents. There are no coincidences. There are no mistakes. There is only divine love doing its perfect work to create perfect situations.
In conclusion, I will agree with and quote Albert Einstein when he said, “I want to know Gods thoughts…the rest is details.”
Much Love
Good vibes from Rebecca
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