Ema's Thoughts




Hate is a feeling that is in all of us. It is not always shown , but deep down it is eating away at the very core of our existence. Its a feeling that just takes over. So intense that the person feeling it doesn't even know where it is coming from. Hate stems from anger and deep down we are all angry. Hate is an emotion that can and must be controlled. If hate is not kept we would be living in a greater hell then we already do. Hate is nothing to be feared, it as emotion and as with all emotions it must be expressed. As with all emotions when it is shown there is a tiny bit of relief after.




What is trust? Trust is something that has to be earned. It is earned in a very simple process called being yourself. The little things done count more then anything in the trust process. Without trust there is no basis for any type of relationship. Without it there is no point. When trust is broken it is the most painful thing around. It seems like all the energy you put into it was useless and a waste of time. Just remember it may take years to completely trust someone but it only takes two seconds to destroy a trust and lose it forever.




Racism occurs when people with nothing better to do find some nonsense to fight about and then blame it on race. Race is used because all others reasons are foolish. Most people are racist because they were raised that way (and decided to stay that way) or because something happened to them and they decided to blame a whole race. Fear, jealously, and low self esteem are all things that are within US. Those things can not be blamed for racism, an individual can be blamed for racism though. If you want to be racist go ahead. I wont judge you till you do something to me personally. Racism is basically used as a scapegoat for everyday problems that people don't want to deal with intelligently.



If u want to comment or contact me you can do so via my email at : EAK5s@hotmail.com