The LCI Free4All is a student published newspaper, based at the Lethbridge Collegiate Institute.
June's Poll:Would you rather spend your summer vacation in the mountains or at the ocean?
Got a problem?Heidi can help!Send your questions on love, life or school to her email address, or just drop them off in the NewsBox in the library.**All submissions will remain confidential, and we'll print the answer in an upcoming edition.**
Email us!
We're looking for people to fill positions on next year's newspaper staff:-advice columnist. (Heidi)-interviewer.-fashion writer.-sports writer.-etc.If you are interested, contact the editors at newsteam@news.zzn.com before the beginning of the 2000 - 2001 school year.
Note to staff:Regular meetings will be held each Friday at break in Mrs. Dodge's room, beginning in September.They'll only take about 5 minutes; we just need to discuss upcoming articles and issues. Be there!
Teacher Sponsors:Mrs. LaytonMrs. Dodge
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