My own Testimony:

I was brought up in a house where religion was never really discussed. I used to go to Church with my sister, to the family services, or if my Mum was not working then she would take me. My sister didn't like Church, it was boring to her, but I loved to hear the stories they told us there, of a far off land, where something remarkable happened. Anyway, my Dad doesn't have any particular faith, unless he needs some help. Like most people really I suppose.

I would say that I really became a Christian when I was 13, in 1993. Every summer I used to go to a mini summer camp, four days long, in a small town near me. We would stay in the Congregational Church there, and we would work on preparing the service for that Sunday. I was very friendly with the leader of the Church, and she had a great influence on me. I could be described as very impressionable at this point, but this was something different. She spoke of the truth.

One day at the camp we were having a talk, and Rachel, (for that was her name), took out some leaflets she had. They were called Journey into Faith, by Norman Warren. After the talk, I went and asked to look at the leaflet, and she gave me one, which I took into the actual Church. My best friend of the time, Richard, was playing the piano in there, and I went and sat in the second pew back. As I read through the booklet I realised that everything in it was what I believed to be the truth. I prayed the prayer in the back of the booklet, and gave my life to the Lord.

It would be easy now for me to say that since that moment my life has been wonderful. The Lord has kept me from troubles and harm, and its all great!

But I would by lying.

Since that day my life has been more difficult, because I have been aware of falling short. I know that God forgives me my sins, but that doesn't make it any easier. Recently I have been aware that my Christianity is very vague, and I don't like that. So, I have determined to find out what my faith truly is. Wish me luck!

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