Other than Prayer, reading and understanding the Bible can be difficult for me, and is something I need to work on.

The following pointers are some that I use regularly.
(Well, as regularly as I read the Bible anyway!)


1. Study every passage within its literary context. Literary context includes both a text’s immediate setting (the verses around it) and its relationship to the entire book.
2. Recognize that the cultural, social and historical environment represented in a biblical passage differs from that of today, and then try to understand a passage in light of those differences.
3. Translations often reflect the translator’s understanding. Therefore, when studying a passage, compare several translations, or versions, to try and discover the most likely meaning of a word or phrase.
4. Interpret any single passage in light of what the author has written elsewhere.
5. Interpret the Bible as a whole. That is, interpret the Bible in light of the entire message of the Bible.

1.What is the main subject?
2.Who are the main people?
3.What does it say about God?
4.What does it say about Christ?
5.What is the key or main verse?
6.What is the central lesson?
7.What are the main promises?
8.What are the main commandments or instructions?
9.What error should I avoid?
10.What example is there to follow?
11.What do I need most in this chapter to apply to my life today?
12.Are there cross references that can be used to develop the theme of the passage or add clarity of understanding?
13.Are there any key words or phrases? Do they appear in other sections of the same book as well as other books?
14.Are there any words I should look up to clarify a definition?

Look first to the Bible for answers to questions
Read all of the Bible to find answers to your questions
Use clear passages to explain the more difficult ones
Write down your questions (it may be a while until you get to the answer)

Expect quick answers
Look at isolated passages and draw conclusions

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