Welcome to my page of Christian faith journeys.

I occasionaly add to this page, so please bear with me. Also, major work might well be done over the summer, but then again, it might not.

My name is Helen (or Geraldine), and I am always in the process of discovering what my faith truly means to me.
Have a look around, and tell me what you think, as well as how you found me. The guestbook link is just a little further down.
Plus, On my update page I have put a little bit about what is happening in my life these days. (Incredibly boring, but hey.)

My own testimony
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A testimony sent to me
clipart links
Prayer Page
Bible Tips
My update page

If you would like to contribute a testimony to my page, please, either leave a message in my guestbook, or e-mail it to me at: metherer@Yahoo.com
I will add it to my page for the inspiration of others, and to help me in my own journey! Thank you very much.

Links to SOME of the major Churches.

The Church of England Website.
The United Methodist Church.
Catholic Information Centre on the Net.
The Baptists Homepage.
the Lutheran Network.
The Congregational Federation.
The Methodist Church of Great Britain.

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Another interesting testimony.

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