Postcard Geography

Project Description:

In this project, our class is exchanging postcards with other classrooms all over the country.  The postcards include information about our geographical region, historical areas of interest, weather, important events, etc.  The students will send the postcards via e-mail and snail mail to all registered participants.  Currently, approximately 100 other classrooms are registered for this activity.  We will display all of the postcards we receive on a bulletin board in our classroom along with a map of the United States to mark where each card came from.

To learn more about the Postcard Geography project, go to:



Click on a state to see the postcards we have received from that state!

Click here to see a copy of OUR POSTCARD


Teaching Standards

With effective classroom implementation and management, this project enables or enhances teaching to the following Social Studies Standards:

People, Places, and Environment

        Early Grades:  construct and use mental maps of locales, regions; interpret, use and distinguish

         various representations of the earth (maps, globes, photographs).

Global Connections

        Early Grades:  explore ways that language, art, music, belief systems and other cultural elements

        may facilitate global understanding or lead to misunderstanding.


        Early Grades:  compare ways in which people from different cultures thank about and deal with

        their physical environment and social conditions; give examples and describe the importance of

        cultural unity and diversity within and across groups.





background provided by Original Country Graphics by Lisa