FOOD FOR THOUGHT: "Ignorance is a shame on humanity " |
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by Mudarras Kadhir Gaznavi
A ‘Fateful’ Rendezvous
In a sudden flashback Man found himself in the ‘beginning’,
“ when on high the heaven had not
been named,
firm ground below had not been called by name ”;
(Enuma Elish)
“..the earth was formless and empty,
and darkness was over the face of the deep,
and the ruwach elohiym(*) hovering over the waters..”
(*)Spirit of god
(Genesis 1-2)
and when
“Rabb was on a cloud, there was air beneath and above.
There were no creatures, and his throne was on the water.”
(Mohamed responding to a question of what it was like before Rabb has started ‘creation’)
The pondering ‘inventor’ - man - reached out.
The lonely ‘invented’ - creator - descended.
They needed each other.
They met and the creator spoke:
“I was a hidden treasure; I wanted to be known. Hence, I created the world so that I might be known.”
(God has reportedly said(!) to the Messenger, according to an early tradition (hadith))
and he went on,
“(YHVH) If I hadn’t created the world for you, you wouldn’t have existed. Man(*) answered: Yes my Lord I know that, but if this world wasn’t created for me and I had not existed, no one would have been aware of your existence.”
(*) Abraham
(From an old Hebrew Myth)
Man had questions like,
But no one cared for the questions, because their feelings were high,
and the chorus provided the ‘ wholesale reply ’:
“You are not supposed to know, just follow the right track as you go,
don’t forget, you reap what you sow, your creator has decreed so.”
This is the summary of the troubled relationship between the earthbound mankind and the supreme being of his imagination. This is the prologue to that
incarcerating and incapacitating ‘darkness’ which insulates the human mind. This is a prologue to that ‘Fateful Rendezvous’.* * * * * *
The faithfuls uphold their faith because they are in a constant search for a meaning for their existence. I believe that this search should be based on pure knowledge. That is why I have ventured on this journey, the result of which is presented in this site. It is a journey that follows the progress of the human thought in connection with the concepts of divine order, superior beings, afterlife, paradise, hell, judgment day etc. This journey has nothing to do with the fundamental question: Is there something beyond this world? But it has everything to do with what the human beings thought of themselves and the ‘existence’ in general.
In this site I have discussed with you the most complex and unbelievable invention of the human mind. You may call it faith or belief or conviction or persuasion. The choice is yours. Faith necessitates a belief in a realm full of abstract beings, all of them are superior to mankind, and they all have a control on what man does or what happens to him. They are not of this world that we live in. They don’t exist in the physical environment which has become a daily experience for the mankind. They are not on the Earth, because man has thought that the Earth was created and reserved for the lowly creatures, amongst whom mankind has a special place. Therefore no one should expect the creator and his entourage to reside amid the lowly creatures. Thus mankind has established the sky and the celestial spheres as a befitting realm for them, because that realm was thought to be an elevated region. It is somewhere up there but no one knows where precisely. No one in those days was knowledgeable enough to realize that when the Universe is in question there is no up or down. Divine realm is visualized as a place where the supreme creator, the council of divine beings, fairies, demons, angels, satan etc. reside.
The gods were anthropomorphic (human-like) in the beginning, because mankind had no model but their own bodies, as to what the bodies of their imaginary supreme entities would look like. In the later epochs, closer to our era, the supreme overseers have come to be visualized as entities which are unseen, unheard, incomprehensible, distant, and omnipotent, because human reasoning in the meantime has started questioning the idea of an unseen, anthropomorphic, and at the same time an abstract god living amongst his subjects. An imaginary divine realm up there as the abode of these invented beings was a face saving solution for the inventors (human beings): These supreme entities could not be not seen or heard because they don’t share the same physical environment with the mankind, and they only communicate via the persons they choose. I call these intermediaries interfaces and/or modems, who are known by the populace as messengers or prophets. That’s all there is to it.
This concept must have been instilled into human thought when mankind was still in its childhood intellectually, when no conscious acceptance or rejection was possible. As soon as the first seed is in the psyche and the fundamental fear is implanted, there is almost no chance of turning back and the detoxification of self becomes a personal problem.
This invention has started its journey in the darkness of the ancient ages. Brains which have lost the ability of free thought or never had it, and consequently can only function on a communal/collective basis, have played a crucial role in this invention taking root. The natural outcome of this process has been the disappearance of individualism.
This invention has progressed because the subject is imaginary and abstract. It is a matter one can neither prove nor refute. Therefore the popular feeling naturally favours the disability to refute. This is the formula: If the negative cannot be proven the positive should be accepted. Therefore the verdict is, it exists.
Since when?
How a non-material existence could be possible in a material environment
But you are not expected to ask questions! Just do as you’re told.
In spite of the fact that this abstraction belongs to the spiritual realm, it is at the same time, right at the centre of the discussion that goes on in the material world. Which shows that in order to exist or to be known a divine being needs the thought processes in the material world. In other words, these superior beings need the material world and the particular thought processes of the creatures in that material environment. The Gospel of Matthew (22:32) explains my approach eloquently: “God is not the god of the dead but of the living.”
Moreover the following exchange from an ancient Hebrew myth where YHVH and Abraham are in a heated discussion on whose share was greater in the affairs of the world, introduces a parallel condition: YHVH: “If I hadn’t created the world for you, you wouldn’t have existed.” Prophet Abraham: “Yes my Lord I know that. But if this world wasn’t created for me and I had not existed, no one would have been aware of your existence.”
So this divine being especially needs a human being to be known. Without mankind divine beings do not exist. So the creator-creature relationship is visualized as a symbiosis. Without one the other cannot exist. Mankind has rightly imagined that in order to be known and recognized the divine beings require;
Now, you should ask yourself: “Do these limitations fit an omnipotent creator?” No!
We hear every now and then that the human intellect is inadequate, don’t we? This is the best mankind could achieve in its invention. Despite all these limitations this invented concept nevertheless exerts itself on the human psyche as something that must be accepted without asking questions.
This is the net result: Mankind is imposing this improbable concept on itself, because mankind needs something superior to make up for its imagined feebleness. In the end, this is what we have today.
If this invention hadn’t existed, mankind would have been leading a life devoid of a nuisance which imposes on the earthlings the uncontrollable but all-controlling supernatural beings, who had the first and last say - in fact the only say - on creation, existence, non-existence and destiny of the material world.
This invention of the human imagination;
Has been a subject matter for the intellectual inventiveness of the humankind, which has been and still is consulted continuously to prove the improbable;
Is boring because there is no end to it;
Has never belonged to this world because no one has seen or heard or witnessed anything that could bring a pinch of reality to it;
Has been the most favourite pastime of the credulous masses.
The brightest brains were involved in the debate to solve the mystery. To no avail. The crucial questions of thousands of years ago are still valid, and unanswered. Those brains that have taken part in the discussion made themselves fall into the trap set up by the inventors of this fiction. Some of them have tried to prove that this invention has really existed; some of them have asserted the non-existence of this invention could not be proven therefore it exists; while others have tried to show that it is all nonsense. There are always different sides in a discussion. But if the subject of the discussion itself is a ‘presumed abstraction’ how could one be for or against it? Any statement for or against it would be just a subjective utterance, because the concept itself is personal and not universal, existing only in the minds of the individuals. No wonder, all those brilliant brains were stalled by the stalemate.
We are the limited, the incapable creatures of the supreme entity, aren’t we? Mankind is limited by creation and incapable of full comprehension of the ‘reality’. Therefore answers to some fundamental questions are needed. Mankind has made tremendous efforts to find the nature, intentions and the activities of this invented creator, and the following crucial questions have presented themselves:
When science is making tremendous strides for the good of mankind is there anybody out there who could argue for the relevance of these questions?
Is there anybody out there who could quote just a single advantage as a result of this debate?
Has this debate solved any problem?
Has the central concept, faith, established peace and prosperity on Earth?
Has the concept of sole supreme entity helped end the differences between his subjects(!) on Earth?
Has anybody proposed a solution to the question: Whose sole supreme entity is he?
Has this concept been advantageous to its devout followers? Think about the Jews, Arabs and the other non-Arab Muslims, who are all still struggling with problems. Think about Catholics and Protestants. Think about the Hindus and Muslims. Try to remember what happened to the Sumerians who were the inventors of this annoyance. Remember the Sabians, Zarathusrans, Manicheists etc. They were all believers. What happened to them?
To those who would point their fingers at the supposedly enjoyable afterlife, which is promised to all the believers, I would like to quote again the Gospel of Matthew (22:32) where Jesus is quoted: “..God is not the god of the dead, but of the living.” Mankind has visualized its god as needing the material world and alive human beings to be known. Corpses don’t have a mind, and the alleged spirits don’t help solve our problem because they are not in the material world anymore, and since they don’t have the thought processes which the supreme creator needs to recognised, the spirits are useless for our purpose. There is no need to point out that this whole thing is ridiculous. These few arguments show us that all the fruitless attempts have ended up in the fall of mankind to the level of incapability, and the slowing down of the human progress. Mankind has lost thousands of years trying to solve its relationship with this invented abstraction called the omnipotent creator, and to establish a role for itself (mankind), a role which was never called for!
This supreme creator is reportedly beyond our thought, reason, comprehension and worldly senses. We are the ‘lowly’ creatures, with a limited capability to understand the creation and existence. Then why are we trying incessantly to understand it? Who are those boring people who are still trying to understand the ‘essence’ of the product of their brains? Why do they insist on a solution?
There are much more productive areas for them to focus their efforts, which would produce beneficial results for humanity. The results, expected from the ongoing research in genetics will lead to a much more beneficial results than the endless debate on abstractions. These positive studies will raise our level of consciousness and show us that the supreme creator is the most advanced virtual reality thriving on the electrochemical processes in our brains. Directing those processes towards the brilliance of reason will make one understand how the mankind has duped itself. These scientific developments will also provide us with a clearer picture of and add the greatest meaning to our existence than the fruitless debate on out-of-this-world ‘inventions’.
At this point let us ask ourselves:
What about Humanism, which is also a belief system, but without a supreme overseer and divine ordinances; Humanism is more acceptable than almost all of the belief systems of ‘divine’ origin.
We know that the concept of god is personal and particular, contemplative and individual; that the idea of god differs from one community to another, from one generation to another; that the concept of a supreme entity carries different meanings; that some meanings may contradict and even exclude the others; that if we haven’t had a flexible concept, the generalization called the ‘supreme entity’ could not have lasted this long in the history of the mankind; that whenever a concept of a supreme entity and its related theology becomes meaningless or loses its relevance it either disappears in silence or is replaced with another one; that there have been numerous concepts of god in history. So, here is the never changing formula: Where there are human beings there are supreme beings.
Without going further and in the light of the above arguments ask yourself: What does the statement “I believe in god” means? Go on! Don’t be apprehensive, try to be as bold as those shrewd manipulators of your fears and lack of knowledge. It means nothing, does it not?. Ask some more questions like;
If you answer all those questions with open heart and honesty you will realize how you were fooled into your present position of a helpless member of a flock.
So this supreme being, creator, overseer, prime mover, has to be perceived as an intellective ‘explanation’, which is shaped by a personal necessity, passion, interest, priority, acceptance, and rejection etc. Accordingly this phenomenon is contemplated, visualized and perceived separately and differently by each and every human being. When a crook and an honest person are invoking god for help, their starting positions and aims are different, because their perception of their god in itself is shaped by their personal requirements. And no one could deny the fact that an honest person and a crook have different needs.
Can you bring yourself to accepting the concept of a supreme being catering simultaneously for the needs and requirements of persons good and evil?
Weren’t we told that this supreme creator is all good and involved in an eternal struggle with everything that is evil?
Weren’t we told that mankind should make a choice between good and evil?
Belief systems don’t like the concept of god being personal. Because they aim for a monolithic body of followers who tow the line of the only supreme being (as introduced by the initiates of the belief system of course!) and don’t ask any questions. A ‘belief system’ can rightly be defined as a ‘universal obssessional neurosis’. In other words a belief system can be described as a ‘mechanism’ thriving on psychological confusion. Think about the terrorist attacks in New York in September, 2001. Think about the Taleban in Afghanistan. Think about the al Kaide (or al Qaeda as the Americans pronounce it). Think about those who are in constant cihad (jihad) against anybody and everybody who are not one of them. You will get the picture.
Here are some more crucial questions for you:
Could all of this be the result of - I am being polite - a lack of knowledge?
I have never had the intention of rejecting the fundamental beliefs of the mankind and the belief systems built around them. Faith is an extremely personal experience and it should remain so. But
the picture changes and calls for action when the belief systems attempt to generalize their will and impose it on the others in the name of the presumed ‘sole god’.Like all the autocratic designs, all the ‘belief systems’ try to influence and control our attitude, mental approach, points of view, values and decisions, which lead only to the division of mankind into regiments of believers of different faiths. Therefore one should ask oneself:
Shouldn’t these belief systems have identical doctrines?
We were told that the basic laws are written on a ‘preserved tablet’ in the divine realm of the supreme creator, weren’t we?
Why should this supreme creator send down diverse ordinances packaged in different sets, called belief systems?
With all these questions waiting for rational answers how could the initiates and protagonists of the belief systems try their hands in preaching formulas? They could do it only if those formulas were invented and actually formulated by themselves in line with their personal priorities and requirements of their times. The officialdom of the existing belief systems have ready made answers to all kinds of questions. In their attempts to find solutions they have created ‘cells within cells’, ‘worlds within worlds’, ‘hierarchies of will-powers’, ‘higher and lower levels of existence’, ‘layers upon layers’ or this or that. But the reality is here with us. It won’t go away or disappear when we shut our eyes.
I am against people being deceived and tricked into believing in invented abstractions.
I come out against the attempts to present the inventions of the ‘backward’ and incognizant peoples as divine messages. I reject categorically the claims that mankind is lowly, inadequate, evil etc. I believe that the supposedly ‘inadequate’ intellectual capacity of the mankind is the most adequate resource in existence.I am of the opinion that ,
The act of believing in something has a meaning if only its foundation is knowledge, which would lead to an opinion, with opinion leading to consciousness, and consciousness leading to believing. But when faith is involved this formula will not work, because there is no concrete knowledge in faith. One should know that the foundation of faith is not knowledge, but fiction, speculation, invention and abstractions. Those of you who have successfully left behind that disabling ‘darkness’ do know the answer to the question: Is there something divine beyond this world? You are expected to repeat that answer to yourself and to the people around you.
Don’t forget:
Therefore remember the Assyro-Babylonian myth of Baal where we are told that:
"..When Marduk kills Tiamat gods build him a temple in Esagila/Esangila. Similarly following his victory over Yam-Nahar, Baal complains that he has no house like other gods. Baal and his sister Anath beg the lady Asherah of the sea to intercede with El and obtain permission for the building of Baal's house. Asherah accordingly saddles(!) her ass(!) and journeys north to Mount Zaphon, to the pavilion of El."
Never ever forget goddess Asherah saddling her ass and wandering off towards north, otherwise you shall have to carry the product of your imagination on your back, like her ass.
So you can have a chance of elevating yourself to the level of an ‘individual being’.ASK
the right questions which will make you seek the right answers. To have the slightest chance of finding the truth come to your senses and revert to REASON. The only truth lies within the boundaries of reason.
This was precisely my approach: THINK + ASK + REASON, to find the correlations and interactions between the belief systems. We have travelled back in time and through the past cultures to dig out the past connections and establish the line of descent of our present day belief systems. This method, I am sure, have shown you the origin of the majority of the doctrines that are imposed on you presently.
Dominant attitude of the belief systems are prohibitive. Do you know why? If you want to create a monolithic body of followers you cannot afford to leave people free to do as they please. You have to curb freedoms, you have to set limits. All the prohibitions in the beginning have aimed basically at curbing the freedoms of enjoying oneself, movement and communication.
The autocratic systems and religions (belief systems) have no differences. Taboos of the earliest epochs and the ‘belief systems’ of our day are against individualism, because individualism usually leads to ‘unwanted things’, and that is the reason why it should be eradicated. Enjoying oneself is bad. It will take you off the road to the omnipotent creator. You are not allowed to enjoy an ‘earthly’ life. The real life is the life ‘beyond’. You are not supposed to enjoy yourself but should work relentlessly to correct yourself here on earth, because you are bad and evil.
So what should one aim for? For an afterlife of course. The faithful are offered a reward for their submission to the divine ordinances in this world. This reward is an afterlife. In other words, continuation of life in another dimension. It means that one may not be able to live here on earth forever but if one does as one is told there will be an eternal existence and unheard-of-rewards waiting for one somewhere else. Man should choose righteousness to win an afterlife, and what an afterlife that is! It promises one a god-like existence - immortality. One is promised to have the freedom to drink wine which is forbidden in his world. One is allowed to have sexual intercourse (with virgins) as one pleased. But sexual intercourse was precisely the act that led to Adam’s expulsion from paradise, wasn’t it? It has also reportedly cost(!) Yshua his life, hasn’t it? The righteousness man should choose is an absolute obedience in this life. Securing this obedience has proven to be very easy because human beings fear death and they are prepared to give all they have, to achieve immortality. But think and refresh your memories:
Out of all these chosen individuals of the purported sole god, which one has become immortal? None.
What has this ‘chosenness’ meant for them?
One should remember that survival means something if you are alive. There is no survival after death. These chosen peoples have worked for their deities, and followed the line of their supreme creators. Did they get what they deserved according to their books? No.
But all these points are meaningless for the ‘clockwork’ mechanism, the ‘corpus religiosus’ called the belief system. They all have their particular objectives and couldn’t care less for what happened to the past favourites of the supreme beings. This ‘corpus religiosus’ operates efficiently, relentlessly and ruthlessly. It occupies the minds, bodies and daily lives of each and every member of the mankind. It creates a debate at best, and misunderstanding and conflict at worst. It costs lives. It costs the lives of its messengers, the leading figures, servants and followers. It is all about a fight for supremacy in this world. Because supremacy leads to loot, pillaging, takings, authority and profit. One should ask oneself: Who needs supremacy? What purpose would it serve apart from a hefty profit for the victorious minority and an extensive suffering falling to the share of the majority? Supremacy serves also the basic animal inside us. ‘Bending’ and ‘breaking’ someone caters for the eternal hunger for personal power, and feeds the flames of domination. In short, supremacy for mankind means becoming ‘superior’ like the invented ‘unspeakable’.
I have not fallen into the trap of using the particular terminology or the ‘jargon’ of the belief systems. Because it was precisely that jargon which has played a role in the creation and the continuation of the belief systems. That jargon is obscure, and mystifying. It was particularly invented with a specially created terminology. Especially so, because it is an instrument for deceiving the credulous masses into becoming the subjects of an imaginary power.
One should keep asking the right questions, because questions are the triggers of thought processes. The ball starts rolling with the first question. Immediately after asking the first question you will feel the change within yourself. The only ‘never changing’ truth is the ‘change’ itself. If change is the only absolute reality and Universe is in constant change how can you afford to stay put, like the orthodox Jew, Christian and Muslim? Can you stop the time? Can you stop the evolution in the widest sense of the word? How can you challenge the ever changing Universe (which brought you into existence and which in fact is you on a majestic scale) by resisting change?
When everything is subject to a constant change, and change is the only unchanging reality, how an ever-changing-existence (the Universe) and a never-changing-thing (a person, an idea), which are actually ‘one’, can coexist?
You believers have your codebooks. All the ‘fundamental laws’ of your faith are written in them. But what about the member of another faith who probably has a completely different set of rules in his codebook?
Have you ever asked yourself the reason why you believe?
You were told that mankind was Earth bound, and their fate was to lead a life full of 'sin'. You should immediately remind yourself that the Sumerians were the first to introduce an order of ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ beings. In the form of an idea this order of higher and lower beings may have existed in the minds of earlier peoples, but since the earliest written sources are from the Sumerians theirs will be the origin until earlier written sources are found. If we go by these records, Sumerian thinkers were the first to question their existence on Earth, existence of their universe in general, and the world order and their role in particular in this supposedly divine(!) grand design. They have imagined a higher order, and higher beings of immense power and importance.
Remember also the role the Sumerians thought these superior entities have assigned to the earthlings. Human race was created to serve the superior beings, till the fields on Earth belonging to these entities, enlarge their estates, produce goods to meet their needs etc. In short humans were the servants of those up there. Sumerians have created their pantheon of gods, but they had no experience of how a superior being looked like so they visualized their superior beings like humans. In other words their gods were anthropomorphic, leading a human-like life. They were creating, ruining, seeing, hearing, warring, eating, drinking, falling in love, giving birth, falling ill etc. The Sumerian deities were also determining the destinies of everything in the Universe. They were omnipotent. They had their own hierarchy based on the worldly example of kings at the top and the average people down at the bottom.
Here one must realize that we have come a long way since then? ~6000 years have gone by! Think about all the intellectual and scientific developments that have taken place since then. Try to visualize the tremendous progress accomplished in the human understanding of the universe. Then ask yourself: ‘How can I still take for granted the fantasy created 6000 years ago by an inquiring group of people?’ They watched the Sun in daytime and the endless darkness with the Moon and twinkling stars at night. They had to face the storms, lightning, thunder, floods, trembling ground - all natural, earthly and cosmic forces - and assigned a superior being to each one to pray to for forgiveness, to offer sacrifices of sorts for protection, and to seek personal advantage generally. You may add to this list but don’t waste your time because we know perfectly well today that the initiator of this invented relationship between the superior beings and the frail humans was the human brain. Mankind was unable to comprehend the forces behind the natural phenomena. But shrewd manipulators had their own interpretation of them and they did not lose time to exploit the helpless humankind. Don’t you think that there should be a difference between their ability to comprehend and yours? Compare the extensive body of knowledge you have about your environment with their ignorance.
As far as the creation of the human race is concerned, you may be thinking like the Sumerians, that human race was created from mud to serve the gods. But there are also those individuals who are of a different opinion, because they dare ask the right questions and seek the right answers. Wouldn’t you rather open your eyes?
Your orders are to have faith in and obey your book, because your belief system tells you that this book is based on a message from up there. In principle, this message is not open to earthly, humanly interpretations. But the belief system puts a special emphasis on the resolve or intention of the believer, which necessitates the full and unequivocal comprehension of and compliance with the rules. If myth and mythology are behind the belief systems, and what we have discussed here is the myths and mythologies from a distant past, then all the believers should try to understand them. The problem is, how can you discuss mythology? You either accept or reject it. Or you may try to go to the roots of all these mythological stories. That is precisely what 'The Illuminator' has done to the best of his ability. Do you remember the mythological stories telling us that the human race was created from mud as servants? Do you remember the story of nin-ti? Look them up in the Old Testament and Qoran. They are there, although in modified forms to suit the needs of the writers.
What we call faith, dresses the nakedness deep inside the souls of the human beings, offers help and solutions to the problems, and provides a ‘protector’ and a ‘shelter.’ But what is faith?
Faith is a steady state which naturally excludes change;
Until the believer has the necessary information which would lead to a reconsideration of his/her belief.
Until the believer has accepted this necessary information and entered into an intellectual debate within self.
Until the believer has opened his/her belief to debate.
Until the believer has questioned the foundation of his/her belief.
But all the above mentioned conditions are dependent upon one fundamental factor, which is, the emotional obsession that exists between the believer and his/her conviction. If this obsession is intact no one could hope for a change. The believer, holds his/her faith higher than any other rational information. Hence faith cannot be discussed. Faith does not develop, it is frozen. People are introduced to faiths when their accumulated body of knowledge is minimal; when they are not fully conscious of knowledge itself; when they are unaware of virtues like questioning and skepticism. Faith and reason are two opposing poles. As soon as faith is opened to questioning it ceases to exist, because;
The worst thing about faith - the lowest level of cognizance - is that one gives oneself ‘body and soul’ to the ‘central authority’ (the supreme creator), to the ‘message’ and to the ‘clockwork mechanism’ built around them. Everything one could and could not do is because of the order established by that central authority. What one has and has not depend on the same central authority. Hurdles that one faces in life and the suddenly opening doors of opportunities are all programmed by that central authority. In short everything good or bad originates from that supreme creator. The believer resorts to his/her faith when he/she is confronted with a moral or physical weakness, a problem, an unconsummated wish, a disappointment etc. This way the believer prevents a psychological damage to self, and protects his/her spiritual wholeness. The believer is never to blame, because the ‘central authority’ of the faith has designed everything to the smallest detail. Therefore nothing could be done against this divinely programmed plan. This is fate, the ‘writing on the forehead’.
Here lies the power of faith: It is the shield against all kinds of adverse conditions and the force behind all the auspicious occurrences. How could a person give up voluntarily such a powerful psychological shield?
The moment a believer drops this shield, he feels naked, defenceless and powerless.People live in a physical environment, where there is nothing abstract in their lives accept hypothetical thoughts. They have to work, earn a living, produce something, support a family, take time off to enjoy themselves, and build a future. Most important of all, they identify themselves with something. On the other hand there are those who are hopeless, helpless, jobless, they feel they have no future, they don’t belong to anything or anywhere, and they don’t identify with anything in this world. They have no choice but to look for an intervention from somewhere. For these people faith is a ‘shelter’. How can you start a debate about such a shelter?
At the root of faith we have incomprehensibility, perplexity, obscurity, ambiguity, mystification (choose the one you please). Those who wrote down the rules of the faiths did it intentionally. What did the believers do? They just believed, and they still do, because none of the supposed facts of faith is clear. So the believers had no choice but to take the stories for granted. They had no choice because they needed something and the faith has provided for their needs. They had no choice because the whole thing was an enigma, and the best thing seemed to be to believe without questioning.
So from that angle, out of the words given above, the very last one, mystification comes to the fore. Mystification mystifies us. That was precisely the intention of the initiators of faiths. It still is. One has to be mystified to get carried on with the mystification itself. Mystification has always been about the unknown. Could one get mystified about something known? Mystification has secrecy about it. Mystification opposes reality. Mystification is based on ignorance or lack of information. Mystification carries a bit of fear, a bit of apprehension and also a bit of a ‘need to identify oneself with something’. These are the essentials of a faith, the subject matter of which is ambiguous, perplexing, and mystifying.
On top of all these, faith needs particular expressions (unique, unheard ones if you please!), a particular understanding, a particular outlook, and extraordinary perspectives. These in turn necessitate a unique terminology.
Faith needs a central core of a group of people - rightly called initiates because they have initiated(!) all the fundamentals. In the next circle around these initiates there should be a larger group of people who are close to them, and are invested with the authority and responsibility to spread the message around and to interpret it so the ordinary people are fooled into believing. These interpreters show the way to illumination. Which and whose way do you think they preach? Theirs of course. They are the conditioners. They condition the unsuspecting people in accordance with their own particular understanding and interests. Thus due to these interpreters-conditioners the particular terminology becomes much more complex, and the exegesis becomes much more removed from the reality. This increases the influence of the illuminators-interpreters-conditioners. Looking from their standpoint, in order to ensure the continuation of the system, they have to uphold and further the fundamental terminology of the faith, which is based on complexity, perplexity, ambiguity. This terminology is the most effective weapon and the haven for those people who want to spread a faith.
Do remember that the ‘sovereign central authority’ of your belief system has allegedly given you an intellect out of his own essence/substance. To do what? Certainly not to believe in everything you are told by your own kind. So ask the question, the right question, and take your first step towards becoming an individual, an accomplished ‘being’, as it was supposedly intended by your ‘sovereign’.
Here is one last universal key for you to open the door to illumination:
‘Adam is the pinnacle of creation’ is he not? You have the most extraordinary gift called the brain, have you not? Why don’t you use it, and take the last step to the brilliance of reason.