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Janice - 10/26/00 04:42:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/donutlady_2000
My Email:jfisher13@home.com
Nice Page
pico - 08/10/00 18:35:38
My URL:http://www.newgrounds.com
My Email:slasher311x@yahoo.com
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: no
Are you a runner?: yeah
What makes you interesting?: i kill people
nice site.
so... you like schwa??
Katrina Joyner - 07/12/00 20:55:31
My URL:http://users.fdn.com/~sprkrier
My Email:sprkrier@leading.net
Favorite Movie: Lots.. Stargate, Mulan....
Favorite Book: Small Gods
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: No
Are you a runner?: No
What makes you interesting?: The fact I don't care if you think I am.
Very neon site... couldn't read it well, but I tried.
Hans & Thomas - 05/12/00 05:22:34
My URL:http://www.iol.ie/~taeger
My Email:taeger@iol.ie
Favorite Electronica: Trance
Favorite Movie: Arizona Dreams
Favorite Book: Ende: 'Momo'
What makes you interesting?: to be alive
Wow, great design, witty content, good informations! With rainbow-greetings from Ireland, Hans & Thomas
WolfSpirit - 03/23/00 03:11:27
My URL:http://webhome.idirect.com/~wolfvain
My Email:wolfvain@gthp
Favorite Electronica: Computers :)
Favorite Movie: Matrix & Sixth Sense
Favorite Book: John Irvings Novels
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: Don't know...you think? "g"
Are you a runner?: I'll run as fast as I can when you show me the money "eg"
What makes you interesting?: Just Being Human "giggles"
Hi Steve. Thanks for visiting my website. You have a pretty cool one here happening too btw :) Love your skull and color schemes as well. ;) Take care and I'll be sure to surf back again to see if any changes or add ons.
Carlie - 03/15/00 10:28:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Network/9493/
My Email:no1shanelover@yahoo.com
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: No, not yet anyway...
Are you a runner?: I run, but I really think I should run more because I'm getting unfit
What makes you interesting?: A lot of things, write to me and I will tell you some!
This is a good site, makes mine look dull!!!
J-Man - 03/12/00 19:00:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/j_man2k_uk/index.html
My Email:OLIVERJACOBS@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: The Matrix
Favorite Book: The Shining
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: Nope
Are you a runner?: Eh!
What makes you interesting?: Apparantly I'm a Psycho!
As you can tell I'm desperate
yu sun - 03/10/00 09:18:04
My URL:http://www.surf.to/yusun
My Email:coldfushion_mj@hotmail.com
Favorite Electronica: hmm
Favorite Movie: the rock, the green mile
Favorite Book: the rainmaker
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: no
Are you a runner?: kinda
What makes you interesting?: eccentricity
hey, thanks for visiting my page.. and yes i thought the same with the buttons.. i'll do something about that, and your page is great! the graphics are really good and the green really stands out!! well done..
Reshlen - 03/05/00 21:27:37
My Email:naiduextreme33@hotmail.com
Favorite Electronica: Trance Mix/breakbeats/electronica
Favorite Movie: Pitch Black/Three Kings
Favorite Book: Electronica And Other Favorites
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: NO
Are you a runner?: what do you mean?
What makes you interesting?: Everything
Aw$ome Websight and Great music and In your Art collection I like your first drawing that looks like a rainbow
J - 02/22/00 06:51:45
My URL:http://jbman.cjb.net
My Email:jbman@bolt.com
Favorite Electronica: wat's dat?
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: wateva
Are you a runner?: is this leading anywhere?
What makes you interesting?: i'm cool, more than others can say
Well, I will return the favour steve. Your page sux!!!
Mrs.E - 02/17/00 20:40:25
My Email:ezbick@aol.com
Favorite Electronica: my GE toaster-oven
Favorite Movie: Transylvania 6-5000
Favorite Book: recent S.King books
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: nope
Are you a runner?: huh?Does jogging count?
What makes you interesting?: I like to fish
Steve-it's great.(Saigon) What a lot of nice possibilities it has for multi-media stuff. Like music for web sites and videos and stuff. It could very easily be transcribed for real instruments. Want to try? I sent it off to the Window choreopgrapher.
Thanks. and enjoy your vaca.--Mrs.E
Sage - 02/17/00 07:22:25
My Email:Sage978@aol.com
Favorite Electronica: i have no favorites. i love ALL my children! How dare you say otherwise!! But Joey is especially cute
Favorite Movie: the one that put montage out of business.
Favorite Book: Anything that keeps the computer level.
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: I belong to no such weapon. Klubs are messy, not like the mace.
Are you a runner?: only when being shot at. I am NOT volunteering next time, marge!
What makes you interesting?: Well, I love animals, but not the way you sickos do!
i am more than you will ever know. a SWift what? i have celestial encouragement. do you? do the do? to who? argh, the stung one would not approve. but he's off fining the late ones, while i am here! get used to it. he/she/it? boxfish? i prefer to
unch REAL people. a 24 oz. would help you. yet you refuse my counsel? don't you know what my name means? look it up. if we give deik a maxi, make sure it's deodorized. yuck, muck, fuudge. i can't get up! that was for you-know-who, but you don't. my
cauldron bubbleth over. and sticks in my teeth, does your floss do that? the BEAN bag has been deserted, but the dogs are still there.
I am and ever will be,
Dina - 01/26/00 04:46:05
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/forjokes/home.html
Your site is kind of fun place to visit.
*WHACK* - 01/13/00 01:03:26
My URL:http://wwwhack.bored.org
My Email:whack@wwwhack.zzn.com
Favorite Electronica: any
Favorite Movie: That Thing You Do
Favorite Book: Catcher In The Rye
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: nope
Are you a runner?: yup
What makes you interesting?: music baby
Hey we loved your page! Don't forge tto keep an eye out for our new album *WHACK* The World (soon to be in stores), and keep up the great work with your page ;*P
The Alien-Joseph - 01/09/00 10:02:45
My URL:http://internettrash.com/users/moonball/aj.html
My Email:alien-joseph@subdimension.com
Favorite Electronica: see "Richard D. James"
Favorite Movie: Road Movie
Favorite Book: Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: I belong to many clubs under various aliases; I will have to get back to you
Are you a runner?: I prefer flying
What makes you interesting?: My entire being
What gives Mick Jagger staying power? Some things are way beyond a human's comprehension. I have made a stark reality into a glitterbending dreamscape. I proclaim SteveSmith Online worthy of being honored by me, myself, I, and that crazy bushnakedperso
hunchingdog in the Dark Region area. Something Should Be Done!! And they even paved a portion of it. I must make a note of all Elmhurst incidents. SteveSmith will play an unwitting part in the messages to the Giant Pygmy. Make sure to care for yourse
ves. You never know what nonstop driving may bring.
James Garner: TCC
.wb. - 01/04/00 06:33:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/hamstrung
My Email:skinpop@hotmail.com
Favorite Electronica: which CEO made that word up anyway?
Favorite Movie: Naked Lunch, The Hunger is an all-time favorite as well, Akira is up there as well.
Favorite Book: anything on tape. Even Cowgirls get the Blues was pretty good...
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: no, but i am the founder of the Todd Bridges relief fund. Join today!
Are you a runner?: unfortunately, no. the local Blade Runner vocation school relocated. something about high cost of life insurance...
What makes you interesting?: i can't spell to save my life. oh, and i can masturbate at an inhuman rate!
COSMOPOLIS - 01/03/00 06:16:01
My URL:http://pages.bolt.com/me/cosmopolis/new.html
My Email:cosmopolis@Bolt.com
What makes you interesting?: I'm me.
great site you have here!
Nick - 12/20/99 23:43:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/nightmarezzz
My Email:njlordi@hotmail.com
Favorite Electronica: Praga Kahn, the Immortals
Favorite Movie: evil dead2
Favorite Book: dunno
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: no
Are you a runner?: no
What makes you interesting?: Learn about me on my website
Those are some incredible midis you have created maybe you are who im looking for to help me with an industrial project i have been working on. keep in touch - nick lordi
Elmer - 12/19/99 23:04:47
My URL:http://listen.at/electronica.by.elmer/
My Email:Elmer@elmer.screaming.net
Favorite Electronica: Orbital
Favorite Movie: Trainspotting
Favorite Book: Schindler's list
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: no
Are you a runner?: no
What makes you interesting?: Feck all
Checked out your site (nice on). You can check out my latest version.
Hope you like it.
Cheers for now steve,
Megan Walden - 12/19/99 02:54:59
My Email:cyberbabe_14@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: The Last Unicorn
Favorite Book: Sati
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: no
Are you a runner?: no
What makes you interesting?: my soap opera life
I'm bored and you told me to visit your webpage so here I am.
Fiona Hutcheon (sexy_fee) - 12/17/99 15:45:30
My Email:fhutcheon@yahoo.co.uk
Favorite Movie: The Matrix
Favorite Book: Any Stephen King or Patricia Cornwell
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: No
Are you a runner?: Sort of!!!!!!
What makes you interesting?: Im unique, individual, one of a kind, etc!!
Very Impressive, loved the usless facts.
B/N again
Timofeevich - 12/15/99 23:51:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Teahouse/6758
My Email:Timofeevich@mexico.com
Favorite Electronica: Just about everything, Favorite band is The Crystal Method
Favorite Movie: John Woo's The Killer
Favorite Book: Ringworld by Larry Niven
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: Yes
Are you a runner?: Yes, but not a captain :(
What makes you interesting?: Im a very boring person!
Wow there sure are alot of new questions to spend my time pondering over, I hope I won't have to fill all of them out everytime I sign this thing... As far as the "klub" goes, I think that we now have 4 members! Dave joined as boxfish and some guy I dont
now joined too! (you should look at our member profiles as they are bueno) I liked your music picks on the radio thingy, and I didnt know uberzone did rap! You seem to be learning more about electronika as you mention drum and bass, how do you lik-a the d
um and bass? I found an album for you to check out too. Its by Mr. Oizo, and its called "Analog Worms Attack" Its some very interesting stuff, but you should listen to some samples first as its very odd. If you get any good CDs let me know. And addressing
the problems you told me about in my guestbook, just send $100,000 U.S. to my, errrm, this guy's numbered Swis Bank Account and I think that your problems will dissapear!
SteveSmith - 12/09/99 15:30:35
My URL:http://www.g3.to/SteveSmith
My Email:SteveSmith@g3.to
Favorite Electronica: The Crystal Method
Favorite Movie: The Matrix
Favorite Book: "Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn" by Tad Williams
Do you belong to the Elektronika Klub?: I'm the founder.
Are you a runner?: Yes.
What makes you interesting?: Just take a look around the site, you'll see.
I had to redo my guestbook because of an error message, but you can still look at the old one. Besides, I think the new one is better anyway.
See the Old Guestbook!