NEWSLETTER #4 ~ 1/10/00

The White Eagle and a Girl Named Rose

Just recently I went to Portland for the holidays. While there, my future husband took me to a place called The White Eagle. (As most of you know the Eagle is significant in my life.) As we approached this place I opened the door just a crack and looked at my fiancee and said, "Oh, I like this place, there is something here."
He said, "I thought you would, it is haunted."
We walked in and I noticed two entities, a man and a woman. I asked my fiancee if that was right and he did not know. I then pointed to the back of the bar and said, "That is where one of them hangs out." He then asked the bartender about the hauntings and this is what he said: "There are ghosts."
I said "A man and woman?"
"Yes," he said. And I pointed to the back of the bar and said, "One is there."
He said "Yes, the woman."
I said, "She smells, and her name is like a flower." The bartender looking a little confused said, "Yes, she smells and her name was Rose!" I then proceeded to tell him that she was killed in a sexual way, like stabbed, he said that there had been a brothel upstairs and she was a prostitute. The place was built in 1902, burned down and rebuilt in 1905. And you could feel the energy of the old days. If those walls could talk!! Well, anyway, while we were sitting there talking, Rose stood in the back of the bar asking me to come to the bathroom. She is kind of shy, and I think afraid. She is young with brown hair that has a bow in it. She is delicate, and did not want to be a prostitute but had no money. Her family was poor and she wanted to feed her brothers and sisters. To be honest she made me feel sad, she was so confused and did not understand, but wanted to. I told her now was not the time and I would come back to help her. With that, the lamp above us started to swing back and forth, it was probably Rose's way of letting me know that I was not crazy and she was really there. So I left the White Eagle and since that day, I have thought of Rose everyday. I am not sure if she followed me home or her energy stayed with me. But I feel her all around me. She has made me realize things about myself and has given me encouragement to follow my dream. It is hard to explain in words, but those of you who have had experiences with "entities" know what I mean. The bottom line is that people on the other side continue to help us grow and learn. WE just need to listen. I am going back to Portland and I am going back to the White Eagle to see if I can help Rose like she helped me. Thank you Rose.
I also wanted to wish everyone a great new year. Let us all start by believing and letting go. That is my motto this year...Believe and Let Go!!!! I also want to say that I have a place to give readings and am available to do so. My prices are not set in stone and I want to help anyone that I am able to, so do not let money or fear stop you from contacting me for a reading. I hope that all of your journeys are blossoming and you are all able to find the divine love that is within all of us. I look forward to talking with you all sometime this year!!!!
Love and Light, Faiye

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