Welcome to the Machine

-Main Page-   -Who We Are-   -What We're All About-    -Other Neat Stuff-  -Sounds and Such-   -Message Board-  

This is an organization run by a few members of the North Alabama Methodist Conference. We are all youth members trying to change the way things are done in our conference. If you happen to stumble on this page by accident, feel free to look around, but its really just a page for the message board for the members to communicate.

So nice of you to stop by. Hopefully, eventually, when i get enough drive and time i'll make a decent looking page.

But until then you are stuck with this ugly excuse of a page.

I think I'm also going to treat this main page as a news page...


October 11, 1999

Added South Park Sounds, and a whole new page devoted to my sounds! How Neat!

October 2, 1999

Added the Mp3 Links, not that it concerns machine in the least

September 27, 1999

Added the "Other Neat Stuff Page" even though its not done

September 23, 1999

General Updates, easier navigation and such

September 20, 1999

The Machine Homepage Opens
