First Annual Stevens Family Oscar Contest

  Nathalie Dad  Mom   Anne   Jamie   Winners 
Best Picture Traffic Traffic Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Gladiator Gladiator Gladiator
Director Steven Soderbergh Steven Soderbergh Ang Lee Ang Lee Steven Soderbergh Steven Soderbergh
Best Actor Tom Hanks Tom Hanks Tom Hanks Russell Crowe Russell Crowe Russell Crowe
Best Actress Julia Roberts Julia Roberts Julia Roberts Julia Roberts Julia Roberts Julia Roberts
Best Supporting Actor Benicio Del Toro Benicio Del Toro Willem Dafoe Benicio Del Toro Benicio Del Toro Benicio Del Toro
Best Supporting Actress Judi Dench Frances McDormand Frances McDormand Kate Hudson Kate Hudson Marcia Gay Harden
Best Adapted Screenplay      Traffic Traffic O Brother, Where Art Thou? Traffic Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Traffic
Best Original Screenplay You Can Count on Me You Can Count on Me Almost Famous You Can Count on Me Gladiator Almost Famous
Total Points 4 4 2 5 5  



                             The Nominees


Best Picture
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Erin Brockovich


Stephen Daldry, Billy Elliot
Ang Lee, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Ridley Scott, Gladiator
Steven Soderbergh, Erin Brockovich
Steven Soderbergh, Traffic


 Best Actor
Javier Bardem, Before Night Falls
Russell Crowe, Gladiator
Tom Hanks, Cast Away
Ed Harris, Pollock
Geoffrey Rush, Quills


 Best Actress
Joan Allen, The Contender
Juliette Binoche, Chocolat
Ellen Burstyn, Requiem for a Dream
Laura Linney, You Can Count On Me
Julia Roberts, Erin Brockovich


 Best Supporting Actor
Jeff Bridges, The Contender
Willem Dafoe, Shadow of the Vampire
Benicio Del Toro, Traffic
Albert Finney, Erin Brockovich
Joaquin Phoenix, Gladiator


Best Supporting Actress
Judi Dench, Chocolat
Marcia Gay Harden, Pollock
Kate Hudson, Almost Famous
Frances McDormand, Almost Famous
Julie Walters, Billy Elliot


 Best Adapted Screenplay
Robert Nelson Jacobs, Chocolat
Wang Hui Ling, James Schamus and Tsai Kuo Jung,   
      Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Ethan Coen and Joel Coen,
      O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Stephen Gaghan, Traffic
Steve Kloves, Wonder Boys
Best Original Screenplay
Cameron Crowe, Almost Famous
Lee Hall, Billy Elliot
Susannah Grant, Erin Brockovich
David Franzoni, John Logan and William Nicholson, Gladiator
Kenneth Lonergan, You Can Count on Me



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