Pete's Pages


I live with Carolyn, my best friend and wife of 35+ years, at Chelsea - a seaside suburb
of Melbourne, Australia.  

Our three adult children - Angela, Andrew and Kirsty - are now all married. Angela and Andrew are married to Mathew and Hayley, respectively. At the time of writing, Andrew and Hayley have three beautiful girls and Angela and Mathew's first born, Aimee, is now 19 months old - and absolutely gorgeous!! - whilst Kirsty and Simon are well past their first wedding anniversary. How time flies!

We are quite enjoying the life of 'Darby and Joan' and the freedoms it allows. We're also fortunate that our children all live in Melboune, with two only a few kilometres away. Also "Ginger", our little Jack Russell-Chihuahua cross - a delightful 'people loving' dog - has totally stolen our hearts and helps fill the absence of children at home in a lovely way.

Carolyn and I are committed Christians and active members of the Anglican Church of Australia. My professional training and experience is in Purchasing & Supply Management, including consulting, contracting and lecturing in the discipline.  My interests include church commitments, computing, family and, much to my surprise, I have been well and truely bitten by the genealogy bug!

In 2002 I fulfilled a life-long ambition of owning a classic English car when we purchased a 1947 Austin 16 sedan. It has opened up another great avenue of interest.


Links to Some Sites of Interest

Seniors & Travel
"Nard in Alabaster"  
        - A Devotional  Anthology by Carolyn Hooper

DISCLAIMER:  These links are posted as sources of interest. I do not, and cannot, endorse or guarantee their content.  
Please let me know if you find any that may be inappropriate.  

Thank you to those who have requested family photos. They're coming, along with revised links and more poetry, "one of these days" - just don't hold your breath waiting for me to actually DO it! 


IMPORTANT: Due to lack of free time these links are not maintained as frequently as I would like.