הגמרא בשפת המקור - תערבות עברית-ארמית

NEW Easy-to-Read Talmud!!

A new way to read the DAF -
The TALMUD paragraphed, punctuated, clearly printed
dialogues, with Rashi's commentary embedded in the text!!
You don't have to figure out the structure -
just read and think about the content!

Don't waste time looking for the Rashi -
Rashi's right on the spot!
- the Gemara reads like a book!

The DAF YOMI - with Rashi embedded in the text of the Gemara - all on this site.

For the DAFs of BabaMezia go to BabaMezia

For the DAFs of BabaKama go to BabaKama

For the DAFs of Kidushin go to Kidushin

Hadran Alach Massechet Gitin - veHadrach Alan

For the DAFs of Gitin go to Gitin

For Tractate Sotah go to Sotah
For the DAFs of Nazir go to Nazir

For the DAFs of Nedarim go to Nedarim

For the DAFs of Ketuvot go to Ketuvot

For the DAFs of Yevamoth go to Yevamoth

For individual DAFs of Masechet Hagiga, go to Hagiga

For individual DAFs of Masechet Moed Katan, go to The Moed Katan Page
For individual DAFs of Masechet Megila, go to The Megila Page

You may Download Masechet Taanit as edited 6 years ago

For individual DAFs of Masechet Taanit, go to The Taanit Page

For the current Dafs of Masechet Rosh Hashana recently updated
- go to The Rosh Hashana Page

You may prefer to Download RoshHashana
- the whole Masechet in one file [not recently updated].

If you find this format of the DAF helpful -
or have other remarks, corrections or suggestions - Please e-mail me at
Tam Venishlam Kol HaTalmud HaBavli! Yithgadal Veyithkadash Shmei Rabba! Salika Masecheth Beitsa
Beitsah 40 Beitsah 39 Beitsah 38 Beitsah 37 Beitsah 36 Beitsah 35 Beitsah 34 Beitsah 33 Beitsah 32 Beitsah 31 Beitsah 30 Beitsah 29 Beitsah 28 Beitsah 27 Beitsah 26 Beitsah 25 Beitsah 24 Beitsah 23 Beitsah 22 Beitsah 21 Beitsah 20 Beitsah 19 Beitsah 18 Beitsah 17 Beitsah 16 Beitsah 15 Beitsah 14 Beitsah 13 Beitsah 12 Beitsah 11 Beitsah 10 Beitsah 09 Beitsah 08 Beitsah 07 Beitsah 06 Beitsah 05 Beitsah 04 Beitsah 03 Beitsah 02

Hadran Alach HeHalil veSalika la Massecheth Sukka
Sukkah 56 Sukkah 55 Sukkah 54 Sukkah 53 Sukkah 52Sukkah 51 Sukkah 50 Sukkah 49 Sukkah 48 Sukkah 47 Sukkah 46 Sukkah 45 Sukkah 44Sukkah 43 Sukkah 42 Sukkah 41 Sukkah 40 Sukkah 39 Sukkah 38Sukkah 37 Sukkah 36 Sukkah 35 Sukkah 34 Sukkah 33 Sukkah 32 Sukkah 31 Sukkah 30 Sukkah 29 Sukkah 28 Sukkah 27 Sukkah 26 Sukkah 25 Sukkah 23-24 Sukkah 22 Sukkah 21 Sukkah 20 Sukkah 19 Sukkah 18 Sukkah 17 Sukkah 16 Sukkah 15 Sukkah 14 Sukkah 13 Sukkah 12 Sukkah 11Sukkah 10 Sukkah 09 Sukkah 08 Sukkah 07 Sukkah 06 Sukkah 05 Sukkah 04 Sukkah 03 Sukkah 02

Hadran Alach Massecheth Yoma
Yoma 87-88 Yoma 86 Yoma 85 Yoma 84 Yoma 83 Yoma 82 Yoma 81 Yoma 80 Yoma 79 Yoma 78 Yoma 77 Yoma 76 Yoma 75 Yoma 74 Yoma 73 Yoma 72 Yoma 71
Raziel Zeckbach sent a very interesting note to Daf 70a, worth reading, DH Umevarech aleha shmona brachot, see http://www.geocities.com/rseckbach/rina.htm
Yoma 70 Yoma 69 Yoma 68 Yoma 67 Yoma 66 Yoma 65 Yoma 64 Yoma 63 Yoma 62 Yoma 61 Yoma 60 Yoma 59 Yoma 58 Yoma 57 Yoma 56 Yoma 55 Yoma 54 Yoma 53 Yoma 52 Yoma 51 Yoma 50 Yoma 49 Yoma 48 Yoma 47 Yoma 46 Yoma 45 Yoma 44 Yoma 43 Yoma 42 Yoma 41 Yoma 40 Yoma 39 Yoma 38 Yoma 37 Yoma 36 Yoma 35 Yoma 34 Yoma 33 Yoma 32 Yoma 31 Yoma 30 Yoma 29 Yoma 28 Yoma 27 Yoma 26 Yoma 25 Yoma 24 Yoma 23 Yoma 22 Yoma 21 Yoma 20 Yoma 19 Yoma 18 Yoma 16&17 Yoma 15 Yoma 14 Yoma 13 Yoma 12 Yoma 11 Yoma 10 Yoma 09 Yoma 08 Yoma 07 Yoma 06 Yoma 05 Yoma 04 Yoma 03 Yoma 02

Tam Venishlam Massechet Shkalim, Shevah L'El Borei Olam!
Shkalim 22 Shkalim 21Shkalim 20Shkalim 19 Shkalim 18 Shkalim 17 Shkalim 16 Shkalim 15 Shkalim 14 Shkalim 13 Shkalim 12 Shkalim 11 Shkalim 10 Shkalim 09Shkalim 08Shkalim 07 Shkalim 06Shkalim 05 Shkalim 04Shkalim 03 Shkalim 02

Pesahim 121 Pesahim 120 Pesahim 119 Pesahim 118 Pesahim 117 Pesahim 116 Pesahim 115 Pesahim 114 Pesahim 113 Pesahim 112 Pesahim 111 Pesahim 110 Pesahim 109 Pesahim 108 Pesahim 107 Pesahim 106 Pesahim 105 Pesahim 104 Pesahim 103 Pesahim 102 Pesahim 101 Pesahim 100 Pesahim 99 Pesahim 98 Pesahim 97 Pesahim 96 Pesahim 95 Pesahim 94 Pesahim 93 Pesahim 92 Pesahim 91 Pesahim 90 Pesahim 89 Pesahim 88 Pesahim 87 Pesahim 86 Pesahim 85 Pesahim 84 Pesahim 83 Pesahim 82 Pesahim 82 Pesahim 81 Pesahim 80Pesahim 79 Pesahim 78Pesahim 77Pesahim 76 Pesahim 75 Pesahim 74 Pesahim 73 Pesahim 72 Pesahim 71 Pesahim 70 Pesahim 69 Pesahim 68 Pesahim 67 Pesahim 66 Pesahim 65 Pesahim 64 Pesahim 63 Pesahim 62 Pesahim 61 Pesahim 60 Pesahim 59 Pesahim 58 Pesahim 57 Pesahim 56 Pesahim 55 Pesahim 54 Pesahim 53 Pesahim 52 Pesahim 51 Pesahim 50 Pesahim 49 Pesahim 48 Pesahim 47 Pesahim 46Pesahim 45 Pesahim 44Pesahim 43 Pesahim 42 Pesahim 41 Pesahim 40 Pesahim 39 Pesahim 38 Pesahim 37 Pesahim 36 Pesahim 35 Pesahim 34 Pesahim 33 Pesahim 32 Pesahim 31 Pesahim 30 Pesahim 29 Pesahim 28 Pesahim 27Pesahim 26 Pesahim 25 Pesahim 24 Pesahim 23 Pesahim 22 Pesahim 21 Pesahim 20 Pesahim 19 Pesahim 18 Pesahim 17 Pesahim 16 Pesahim 15Pesahim 14 Pesahim 13 Pesahim 12 Pesahim 11 Pesahim 10 Pesahim 09 Pesahim 08 Pesahim 07 Pesahim 06 Pesahim 05 Pesahim 04 Pesahim 03 Pesahim 02
Tam Venishlam Shevah LaEl Borei Olam
Eruvin104&5 Eruvin103 Eruvin102 Eruvin101 Eruvin100 Eruvin99 Eruvin98 Eruvin97 Eruvin96 Eruvin95 Eruvin94 Eruvin93 Eruvin92 Eruvin91 Eruvin90 Eruvin89 Eruvin88 Eruvin87 Eruvin86 Eruvin85 Eruvin84 Eruvin83 Eruvin82 Eruvin81 Eruvin80 Eruvin79 Eruvin78 Eruvin77 Eruvin76 Eruvin75 Eruvin74 Eruvin73 Eruvin72 Eruvin71 Eruvin70 Eruvin69 Eruvin68 Eruvin67 Eruvin66 Eruvin65 Eruvin64 Eruvin63 Eruvin62 Eruvin61 Eruvin60 Eruvin59 Eruvin58 Eruvin57 Eruvin56 Eruvin55 Eruvin54 Eruvin53 Eruvin52 Eruvin51 Eruvin50 Eruvin49 Eruvin48 Eruvin47 Eruvin46 Eruvin45 Eruvin44 Eruvin43 Eruvin42 Eruvin41Eruvin40Eruvin39Eruvin38Eruvin37Eruvin36Eruvin35Eruvin34Eruvin33Eruvin32Eruvin31 Eruvin30 Eruvin29 Eruvin28 Eruvin27 Eruvin26 Eruvin25 Eruvin24 Eruvin23 Eruvin22 Eruvin21 Eruvin20 Eruvin19 Eruvin18 Eruvin17 Eruvin16 Eruvin15 Eruvin14 Eruvin13 Eruvin12 Eruvin11 Eruvin10 Eruvin09Eruvin08Eruvin07 Eruvin06 Eruvin05 Eruvin04 Eruvin03 Eruvin02

L'shana Tova Tekatevu veTehatemu, L'Alter l'Hayim Tovim

Tam Venishlam, haShevah l'El Borei Olam
Shabat157 Shabat156 Shabat155 Shabat154 Shabat153 Shabat152 Shabat151 Shabat150 Shabat149 Shabat148 Shabat147 Shabat146 Shabat145 Shabat144 Shabat143 Shabat142 Shabat141 Shabat140 Shabat139 Shabat138 Shabat137 Shabat136 Shabat135 Shabat134 Shabat133 Shabat132 Shabat131 Shabat130 Shabat129 Shabat128 Shabat127 Shabat126 Shabat125 Shabat124 Shabat123 Shabat122 Shabat121 Shabat120 Shabat119 Shabat118 Shabat117 Shabat116 Shabat115 Shabat114 Shabat113 Shabat112 Shabat111 Shabat110 Shabat109 Shabat108 Shabat107 Shabat106 Shabat105 Shabat104 Shabat103 Shabat102 Shabat101 Shabat100 Shabat99 Shabat98 Shabat97 Shabat96 Shabat95 Shabat94 Shabat93 Shabat92 Shabat91 Shabat90 Shabat89 Shabat88 Shabat87 Shabat86 Shabat85 Shabat84 Shabat83 Shabat82 Shabat81 Shabat80 Shabat79 Shabat78 Shabat77 Shabat76 Shabat75 Shabat74 Shabat73 Shabat72 Shabat71 Shabat70 Shabat69 Shabat68 Shabat67 Shabat66 Shabat65 Shabat64 Shabat63 Shabat62 Shabat61 Shabat60 Shabat59 Shabat58 Shabat57 Shabat56 Shabat55 Shabat54 Shabat53 Shabat52 Shabat51 Shabat50 Shabat49 Shabat48 Shabat47 Shabat46 Shabat45 Shabat44 Shabat43 Shabat42 Shabat41 Shabat40 Shabat39 Shabat38 Shabat37 Shabat36 Shabat35 Shabat34 Shabat33 Shabat32 Shabat31 Shabat30 Shabat29 Shabat28 Shabat27 Shabat26 Shabat25 Shabat24 Shabat23 Shabat22 Shabat21 Shabat20 Shabat19 Shabat18 Shabat17 Shabat16 Shabat15 Shabat14 Shabat13 Shabat12 Shabat11 Shabat10 Shabat09 Shabat08 Shabat07 Shabat06 Shabat05 Shabat04 Shabat03 Shabat02

Hadran alach Haroeh, vsalik lah massechet Berachot!
Brachot 64 Brachot 63 Brachot 62 Brachot 61 Brachot 60 Brachot 59 Brachot 58 Brachot 57 Brachot 56 Brachot 55 Brachot 54 Brachot 53 Brachot 52 Brachot 51 Brachot 50 Brachot 49 Brachot 48 Brachot 47 Brachot 46 Brachot 45 Brachot 44 Brachot 43 Brachot 42 Brachot 41 Brachot 40 Brachot 39 Brachot 38 Brachot 37 Brachot 36 Brachot 35 Brachot 34 Brachot 33 Brachot 32 Brachot 31 Brachot 30 Brachot 29 Brachot 28 Brachot 27 Brachot 26 Brachot 25 Brachot 24 Brachot 23 Brachot 22 Brachot 21 Brachot 20 Brachot 19 Brachot 18 Brachot 17 Brachot 16 Brachot 15 Brachot 14 Brachot 13 Brachot 12 Brachot 11 Brachot 10 Brachot 09 Brachot 08 Brachot 07 Brachot 06 Brachot 05 Brachot 04 Brachot 03 Brachot 02
Tam Venishlam massecheth Nida!
Nida 72-3 Nida 71 Nida 70 Nida 69 Nida 68 Nida 67 Nida 66 Nida 65 Nida 64 Nida 63 Nida 62 Nida 61 Nida 60 Nida 59 Nida 58 Nida 57 Nida 56 Nida 55 Nida 54 Nida 53 Nida 52 Nida 51 Nida 50 Nida 49 Nida 48 Nida 47 Nida 46 Nida 45 Nida 44 Nida 43 Nida 42 Nida 41 Nida 40 Nida 39 Nida 38 Nida 37 Nida 36 Nida 35 Nida 34 Nida 33 Nida 32 Nida 31 Nida 30 Nida 29 Nida 28 Nida 27 Nida 26 Nida 25 Nida 24 Nida 23 Nida 22 Nida 21 Nida 20 Nida 19 Nida 18 Nida 17 Nida 16 Nida 15 Nida 14 Nida 13 Nida 12 Nida 11 Nida 10 Nida 09 Nida 08 Nida 07 Nida 06 Nida 05 Nida 04 Nida 03 Nida 02

As You are probably aware, the rest of Tamid, and Midot, have no Gemara, and are best learnt as Mishna with the commentary you find best for you.
Tamid 31-32 Tamid 30 Tamid 29 Tamid 28 Tamid 27 Tamid 25-26

We shall soon begin Massecheth Tamid;
Mishnayoth of Kinim to be learnt from
Kehati, Bartenura, Tifereth Yisrael, the Rosh printed in the Gemara
- whichever benefits you most.

Salik Massecheth Meila!
Hadran Alach Massecheth Meila!
Meila 21-22Meila 20 Meila 19 Meila 18 Meila 17 Meila 16 Meila 15 Meila 14 Meila 13 Meila 12 Meila 11 Meila 10 Meila 09 Meila 08 Meila 07 Meila 06 Meila 05 Meila 04 Meila 03 Meila 02

Hadran Alah Massecheth Kritut!!
Kritot 28 Kritot 27 Kritot 26 Kritot 25 Kritot 24 Kritot 23 Kritot 22 Kritot 21 Kritot 20 Kritot 19 Kritot 18 Kritot 17 Kritot 16 Kritot 15 Kritot 14 Kritot 13 Kritot 12 Kritot 11 Kritot 10 Kritot 09 Kritot 08 Kritot 07 Kritot 06 Kritot 05 Kritot 04 Kritot 03 Kritot 02

Salik Massecheth Temura - TUSHLEBA!
Temura 34 Tables for Temura 33 in pdf Adobe Acrobat Temura 33 Temura 32 Temura 31 Temura 30 Temura 29 Temura 28 Temura 27 Temura 26 Temura 25 Temura 24 Temura 23 Temura 22 Temura 21 Temura 20 Temura 19 Temura 18 Temura 17 Temura 16 Temura 15 Temura 14 Temura 13 Temura 12 Temura 11 Temura 10 Temura 09 Temura 08 Temura 07 Temura 06 Temura 05 Temura 04 Temura 03 Temura 02

Tam Venishlam Massecheth Arachin!
Arachin 33-4 Arachin 32 Arachin 31 Arachin 30 Arachin 29 Arachin 28 Arachin 27 Arachin 26 Arachin 25 Arachin 24 Arachin 23 Arachin 22 Arachin 21 Arachin 20 Arachin 19 Arachin 18 Arachin 17 Arachin 16 Arachin 15 Arachin 14 Arachin 13 Arachin 12 Arachin 11 Arachin 10 Arachin 09 Arachin 08 Arachin 07 Arachin 06 Arachin 05 Arachin 04 Arachin 03 Arachin 02
Hadran Alach Massecheth Behoroth
Vehadrach Alan

Bechoroth Daf 60-61 Bechoroth Daf 59 Bechoroth Daf 58 Bechoroth Daf 57 Bechoroth Daf 56 Bechoroth Daf 55 Bechoroth Daf 54 Bechoroth Daf 53 Bechoroth Daf 52 Bechoroth Daf 51 Bechoroth Daf 50 Bechoroth Daf 49 Bechoroth Daf 48 Bechoroth Daf 47 Bechoroth Daf 46 Bechoroth Daf 45 Bechoroth Daf 44 Bechoroth Daf 43 Bechoroth Daf 42 Bechoroth Daf 41 Bechoroth Daf 40 Bechoroth Daf 39 Bechoroth Daf 38 Bechoroth Daf 37 Bechoroth Daf 36 Bechoroth Daf 35 Bechoroth Daf 34 Bechoroth Daf 33 Bechoroth Daf 32 Bechoroth Daf 31 Bechoroth Daf 30 Bechoroth Daf 29 Bechoroth Daf 28 Bechoroth Daf 27 Bechoroth Daf 26 Bechoroth Daf 25 Bechoroth Daf 24 Bechoroth Daf 22 and Daf 23 Bechoroth Daf 21 Bechoroth Daf 20 Bechoroth Daf 19 Bechoroth Daf 18 Bechoroth Daf 17 Bechoroth Daf 16 Bechoroth Daf 15 Bechoroth Daf 14 Bechoroth Daf 13 Bechoroth Daf 12 Bechoroth Daf 11 Bechoroth Daf 10 Bechoroth Daf 09 Bechoroth Daf 08 Bechoroth Daf 07 Bechoroth Daf 06 Bechoroth Daf 05 Bechoroth Daf 04 Bechoroth Daf 03 Bechoroth Daf 02

For the DAFs of Hulin go to Hulin
For the DAFs of Menahot go to Menahot
For the DAFs of Zevahim go to Zevahim

Tam Venishlam Seder Nezikin, Shevah le'El Borei Olam
Horayot Daf 13-14 Horayot Daf 12 Horayot Daf 11 Horayot Daf 10 Horayot Daf 09 Horayot Daf 08 Horayot Daf 07 Horayot Daf 06 Horayot Daf 05 Horayot Daf 04 Horayot Daf 03 Horayot Daf 02

Tam VeNishlam Shevah L'El Borei Olam!!

For the DAFs of Avoda Zara go to Avoda Zara
For the DAFs of Shvuoth go to Shvuoth

You can download the complete Shevuot - with some additional comments and a few Tosafoth from:
The file description is at:
Shvuot Information
Hadran Alach Makot!
For the DAFs of Makot go to Makot

For the DAFs of Sanhedrin go to Sanhedrin

Tam v'Nishlam,
Hadran Alah Baba Batra

For the DAFs of BabaBatra go to BabaBatra
You can download all of BabaBatra from
BabaBatra Download
The file description link is:
BabaBatra Desription

Tam Venishlam: Hadran alach Habayit VeHaAliya Vesalik La Bava Metsia
Tam VeNishlam Massechet Kidushin
Vesalik La Seder Nashim

Hadran Alach Massechet Sotah - veHadrach Alan
For Tractate Sotah go to Sotah

For Tractate Nazir go to Nazir

For Tractate Nedarim go to Nedarim

ALL this material is copyrighted 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 by Julius Hollander
27 Bialik St., Petah Tikva, Israel 49351

Permission to distribute this material, with this notice is granted - with request to notify of use
at yeshol@gmail.com .